LoneNinja wrote:
So you're saying Chidori moves on it's own? Like it's a thruster flinging the owner with it?
Yep. This would give kid Kakashi and kid Sasuke a purpose for dragging it against walls/the ground.
It explains how no matter how fast the user is without Chidori they suffer tunnel vision and why they dont just run slower to avoid gettimg tunnel vision in the first placr.
It explains how it pushes the body past its limits.
And it explains why Kakashi called the jutsu fast and why Minato banned it for being too fast.
Littlegen wrote:
The Chidori is a failed evolution of the Rasengan.
Failed evolution still means its based off of the Rasengan. They are the same concept, chakra condensed into one hand and pushed into an enemy at close range.
Littlegen wrote:
And that failed jutsu was converted into am assassination piercing technique. The Rasengan grinds on contact and violently disperses to knock opponents back.
And the Rasengan isnt an assasination technique? Its not a technique meant to kill? Its not a one-shot on almost every enemy it has hit thus far? Just because they kill people differently doesnt mean they werent meant to kill people.
And if we are being honest, Guy called Chidori a technique meant for assassination, its creator said its meant to protect whats important to the user
Littlegen wrote:
For the Chidori to be effective it needs to be used quickly at high speeds.
Running doesnt effect its peircing ability, running is to try and bypass the enemies reflexes but it would be much safer to use it in mid-range to CQC as opposed to long range and there are multiple instances where it is used that way