Littlegen wrote:
Its 227.
228 shows the aftermath of the attack.
Littlegen wrote:
And again, it's a freaking jab. Naruto was prone and he had free rain to punch Naruto through the chest with Chidori.
Free reign or not the result was exactly the same as a full sprint. Naruto wasnt restrained or incapacitated, he could have tried to defend himself.
Ch. 420 p7 Kakashi used Raikiri point blank without a dash/sprint and even with his chakra disrupted Raikiri got his whole hand into the wall
608 p8 Kakashi cut through giant shuriken and took one step
674 p12 Chidori was used just fine while in standing position
LoneNinja wrote:
If that was the case how would one be able to use it standstill?
Because the force is used to propel the arm instead of the whole body.
Sasuke got blindsided by Naruto in 621 even though he wasnt running after his Sharingan faded
LoneNinja wrote:
You would see them struggle as this technique pulls them.
Chidori users have a tendancy to hold their arms and Chidori is pushing downwards the few times that they dont immediately start moving at the enemy.
LoneNinja wrote:
Not to mention, dragging it would slow the user down since it would be pointing downwards.
Yep. Slowing them down would help them control it better and allow an extra suprise burst of speed once they were close enough to go for the actual hit. After they both got older and got faster they stopped dragging it, they also stopped using it from long distances