38 Votes in Poll
Hiruzen High Diff
Nice photos of the Edo kages
Totes Hiruzen
Thanks my brother @Tim Xman
Prime Hiruzen > Edo Hiruzen > KCM Naruto >> PA SM Naruto = Peak MS Sasuke > FKS Sasuke > PA Killer Bee > Gyuki ~ A3
3rd raikage mid diff. What is Hiruzen gonna do to break his shield?
3rd R will tear through Hiruzen . His attack power is even greater than his shield since his own attack can oneshot himself
To break his shield? No need to. Hiruzen is the same guy with every Jutsu in Konoha. He can just seal the Raikage away or put him in a Genjutsu. A3 might not even be able to tag him.
What about a's black lightning?
What do you think?