Who are Tsunades and Nawaki's parents? No one never mentions the grandchildren of the God of Shinobi's parent.
Who are Tsunades and Nawaki's parents? No one never mentions the grandchildren of the God of Shinobi's parent.
Nobody knows.
Damn it! So that's it?
Damn. Alright. Thank you for trying.
Sorry couldn't be more help. We have absolutely no info on his children. Not the number, gender, nothing. Only thing we know is that he had children who then had children themselves.
Yeah, that's true.
I've once seen a theory that Jiraiya is Tobirama's descendant, which would make him Tsunade's cousin. There's no evidence on this besides her similarities and Jiraiya being chosen by the Sage Toad (which is supposed to mean he's born from an important clan).
Considering that Tsunade doesn't have the clan name Senju, her mother is probably Hashirama's child
I don't know. That's a good question. Well, there are a few errors in the system. For example, we don't know Jiraya's clan or parents. All I found was this:
I think his mother is Hashirama and Mito's daughter, but he inherited his hair and eyes from his father.
It is not even known if Mito is actually Tsunade's grandmother. Mito only came to Konoha after Madara started attacking it, and Tsunade was born 11 years after that (Madara left 66 years before Part II, Tsunade was born 55 years before Part II), obviously not enough time for Tsunade's own parents to be born and have her. Either Hashirama had a child with someone else before he married Mito, or he already had a child with Mito out of wedlocke before she moved to Konoha.
What do you think?