Hello guys!
(Yey I'm not late). Today (on the eleventh of February) is Shigure's birthday, so happy birthday to him. Popably you don't remember him (I don't even know who he is until now). He was a genin on the Chunin Exam from Amegakure (The Village Hidden by Rain 🥰.) Gaara crushed him with his sand! I felt so sorry for him, he almost haven't got any screentime. Sacrificed him so we could see how strong Gaara was.
And now comes the weird part! Why we know his birthday? He barely appear in the series. It is so crazy!
Do you remember him? 💖
He is looks like so old!
Happy birthday for everybody who have birthday soon!
Who is your favorite naruto character and where is his/her birthday?
Have a good day/night and a wonderful life! 🎶
Bonus question: I was waching the Naruto vs. Pain fight just a few days ago, but I can't remember what happening with the last body (Yahiko's body). Please if someone knows it write it!
Thank you. ✌️