Kaguya is one of the most powerful otsutsuki clan members. She has many feats that scale her higher than the others
There are 3 versions of Kaguya to discuss
Let’s start with feats 1-10
#1 Crippling Isshiki. A lot of fans disregard this as “Isshiki was off guard” however, it really doesn’t matter if she sneak attacked him, the fact is she had enough attack power to make full power isshiki cripple for over a thousand years.
#2 She Destroyed a Perfect Susano twice in the same fight. Jigen kicked Sasuke out his susano yet Kaguya has similar feats in Shippuden. She simply lifted her hand and blew it up. And used chakra fist to blow up it up a second time. These feats easily put Chakra fruit Kaguya above V2 jigen level
#3 the expansive truth seeking orbs had the destructive capacity to blow up an entire dimension comprised of a star and a planet, making this a Solar system level feat, this Jutsu has the highest destructive capabilities in the series.
#4 Kaguya has dimensional travel and has created 6 dimensions in total.
#5 Kaguya also has ash bones that ignore durability and are one hit kills with no exceptions.
#6 Infinite tsukuyomi, gives Kaguya near infinite Chakra as she takes the chakra of everyone on earth boosting her power even further.
#7 Kaguya is immortal and she cannot be killed, she can only be sealed. No one has ever managed to kill her without sealing her. Some sources say she “died” but it’s a retcon. How can she die from the exact same thing came back from before. Combined Fragments of tailed beast chakra and the gedo mazo and she would be instantly revived at any time
#8 Kaguya’s durability is the highest we’ve seen in the series. Kaguya tanked 9 six paths Rasen Shurikens enhanced with Kekkie genki. She did not absorb or dodge this attack but took it head on with minimal scratches
Just 1 of these almost killed Ten tail Madara and 6 of these destroyed 20+ meteorites. Note that in the last movie just half a meteorite could Destroy the entire leaf village.
#9 Kaguya was also fast enough to completely speedblitz Naruto and Sasuke multiple times. And has reacted to instant teleportation. Kaguya was holding back the first half of the fight due to the duo reminding her of her sons
First time
Second time
3rd time
Naruto was only able to speedblitz Kaguya and cut her arm off because her chakra was low after switching dimensions many times and opening portals. Reaction Speed gets Slow when chakra is low
#10 Imagine being so strong it takes multiple chapters just to touch you simultaneously. People think sealing her is beating her but in reality they had a lot of luck on their side. Naruto, Sasuke and Kakashi were boosted to god level and had to just simply (touch) their hand on Kaguya to seal her and they barely accomplished that. Hagoromo gave them all the tools they needed to seal her, without the sun and moon seal the mission would have failed. They also got lucky Obito helped them with space and time ninjutsu. Kaguya can only be sealed not killed.
Now, let’s move onto statements
Statement 1
A lot of people think Toneri is stronger than Kaguya because of the movie cover. This is just movie promotion and besides With the feats I’ve mentioned toneri who is merely moon level is not on the same level as a being that can destroy stars and planets.
Statement 2 is from Page 160 of the Sasuke Shinden Sun rise Novel
The book says “Sasuke shook his head no. He wouldn't let that happen. He would protect it himself” People chalk this up to thinking sasuke could defeat Kaguya on his own which is not the case. This is taken out of context. Sasuke insinuated he would die to protect the leaf and the future just like Sasuke told Boruto before he fought isshiki. Doesn’t mean he would beat Isshiki just that he will face him. sasuke insinuating he can fight kaguya level threats doesn't mean he can win against kaguya level threats.
Statement 3
Momoshiki saying he will “punish Kaguya” he was referring to pre chakra fruit Kaguya and was unaware of the fact Kaguya consumed a chakra fruit and was much stronger. It had been over a thousand years since he had last seen her.
Momoshiki has a superiority complex. He called Naruto and Sasuke “inferior creatures” and then got beat in his strongest form by 50% fatigued Naruto and 50% fatigued Sasuke.
Momoshiki had power from absorbing kinshiki and 50% of Kurama's chakra + 8 tails chakra. And used chakra pills to boost himself further. And also absorbed chakra from katasuke’s ninja tech and still lost.
Why would a “greater threat than kaguya” be running from darui for five pages straight and be completely cornered
Momoshiki also died to a massive rasengan and got injured by a vanishing rasengan meanwhile Kaguya could tank country+ rasen shurikens. The only thing inferior are his feats in comparison to Kaguya.
Kaguya has been shown to have the greatest feats despite not having many statements
Thanks for Reading.