I loved the star village and the whole filler arc growing up and i didn’t even know it was filler until i started shippuden later on my senior year to finish naruto, i remember wondering why no characters ever came back in shippuden like when they help the kid during the race who is that proctors brother who did the test during the chunin exams or the queen from the land of tea (i think it’s where she’s from?) who they saved from assassins, i just really loved the star village and remember how the kid told naruto he was going to become the hoshikage for his village and the idea of their powers coming from the star could fit in really well with the otsosuki clan and stuff like that, i know it will never happen but i would love for that whole filler arc to become cannon or at least have them bring it back for boruto filler episodes and have naruto interact with these filler characters like old freinds that he helped on missions and have boruto interact with their kids because honestly the boruto filler kinda sucks and to me og naruto and naruto shippuden has really amazing filler episodes and even the movies had some really cool ideas i wanna know what everyone else thinks i don’t ever hear anyone talk about the filler villages.