It was cool to see Himawari fight Jura. I'm glad to see she became a ninja after all, but it's just crazy to see Himawari go from being just a normal girl to a perfect Jinchuriki all of the sudden lol. I mean, given what's happened in Boruto already, I guess anything can happen. I also love how Himawari's resolve is similar to her father's and brother when she was talking about the responsibility of having the power of the Nine-Tails. Those were probably the coolest lines in the chapter for me.
My main complaint about this chapter however is Sarada's fight with Hidari. It feels like she got taken out way too quickly; obviously she would've lost either way, but Hidari just straight up taking her out just doesn't feel like something him or the other sentinet God Trees would do. Wasn't one of the main goals Jura and the other God Trees' had was to gain knowledge about the world and find out why they wanted to absorb the people they felt compelled to do before creating a Divine Tree? What I'm basically saying is that this was a missed character moment for Sarada. Out of all the fighting we've seen her do in TBV sor far, she either got saved by Boruto or used a generic Uchiha jutsu such as Fireball Jutsu or Chidori.
I would say that at least she did more in Part 1 of Boruto, but even then after Kawaki appeared, it mostly just focused on him and Boruto's growth instead Mitsuki and Sarada, who were BOTH on Team 7 way before Kawaki was. Anyway, my point is Kishimoto could've used this as an opportunity to showcase more of her abilities, I mean she literally had a 4 year timeskip to train and she got a Mangekyo right before the timeskip started so surely she got some new jutsu. Hopefully she'll have better fight scenes soon.
On another note, I was surprised as Konohamaru's performance. I wasn't expecting him to counteract Hidari's Chidori, especially with a new Jutsu. It's good he's getting to showcase more of his power, but that still doesn't really help me understand why he gets to be the Hokage's advisor. I guess it's because he was one of the closest people to Naruto besides his family and his friends he grew up with, along with the fact that his grandfather was Lord Third, but he still seems relatively weak, even after the 4 year timeskip. I really hope Konohamaru has Sage Mode or something up his sleeve, because he is in dire need of a power upgrade. Anyways, that's my take on the latest chapter. What do you guys think?
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I couldn’t wait to see mitsuki’s official timeskip design, so I decided to draw what I think it’ll look like before the upcoming chapter releases😂. This was also a redraw of an old mitsuki timeskip artwork I did in 2020
I can gladly say I’ve definitely improved a lot🤣. This old drawing is so hard to look at tho cos of how underdeveloped my art was back then tbh😭💀
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"Is the Boruto series weaker than the Naruto series?"
This question has been debated (some peacefully, others to a harmful fault) for years since the continuation of Naruto: Shippuden was made in 2017. Its successor, Boruto: Naruto Next Generations, has stirred up lots of controversy with the community, the most popular argument being that of the varying levels of strength from Shippuden to the current times.
The categories will be as follows:
Naruto: Worthy Hokage or husk of his former glory?
Sasuke: Victor of the Uchiha Clan or a useless nobody?
Momoshiki and Kinshiki: Valid sources or dumb brutes?
Final Verdict
Starting off first with...
Section 1A
Post-Kaguya Feats
Naruto after fighting Kaguya was, in base, relative to 3T+Rinnegan Sasuke:
Which then moves onto them becoming relatives again once they move into their avatars:
(should be good to note here that just because naruto doesnt have killing intent doesnt mean that him holding back ~ sasuke going all out < naruto going all out, you can still try your hardest while being on the defensive)
After this, Sasuke gains a Juubi amp and is able to blitz Naruto, something that only Kaguya was able to do:
It's only after Naruto goes into his Asura Avatar that they become relatives again:
(since naruto wasnt completely annihilated by the attack, they had equal outputs)
This means AA Naruto ~ IS Sasuke ~ Kaguya.
Section 1B
Novel Statement
In Naruto Retsuden, which is right before Sasuke Retsuden (which would very well be canon as it has a novel, manga, and now anime adaptation), Naruto dodges a laser beam in base:
(which is consistent with his ls reaction feats in the war, proving that his base senses are on par with his teenage rkm (rikudo kurama mode) senses)
Section 1C
Boruto Feats and Statements
During the Boruto Era, Hokage Naruto is stated to be at "his true strength":
(insinuating that he's at his prime and that he grew stronger to be at sasukes level, putting him above kaguya)
This also goes hand in hand with the narrative of him and Sasuke being the two strongest shinobi in the world:
Naruto is also made out to be stronger than Base Momoshiki while in RKM:
Also, just like in his teen state..
..Naruto is shown to be using the Lava Rasenshuriken, something he only accessed once he gained Six Paths:
Section 1D
Many think that Naruto lost Six Paths after his fight with Sasuke, but it's far from being the truth;
Naruto in BE with the '+' and no eyeshadow:
Naruto in BE with the '-' and the eyeshadow:
Naruto in the WA with the '+' and no eyeshadow:
Naruto in the WA with the '-' and the eyeshadow:
Naruto in BE with the Kurama Chakra Mode and '+' with no eyeshadow:
Naruto in the WA with the Kurama Chakra Mode and '+' with no eyeshadow:
Naruto in TL with the Kurama Chakra Mode and '+' with the eyeshadow:
Naruto in the WA with the Kurama Chakra Mode and '+' with the eyeshadow:
Naruto has also shown the tomoe on his back from when he was in the War:
Naruto has also shown the ability to fly in BE:
(this cannot be a jump as hes literally a few feet from the ground, coming from miles away, and is traveling directly straight)
Why couldn't he sense Momoshiki and Isshiki before they hit him?
Section 2A
Novel Statements
In The Last, which supervised and assisted by Kishimoto:
It states that Sasuke is the strongest of Team 7:
(this should have full recollection of naruto and sasukes final battle, placing him above his previous form and kaguya as well; nomad > is susano > kaguya)
Sasuke is also stated to have unrivaled strength, being matched only by Naruto:
This also ties in with Sasuke Retsuden and Boruto: Naruto Next Generation Novel 3 - Beacon in the Shinobi Night! where it references Sasuke's journeys:
Section 3
Statements and Feats
We'll start first with Kinshiki.
Kinshiki and Momoshiki are stated to be something that could scare Kaguya:
Along with Sasuke's hypotheses beforehand:
(different scans for different translations jic)
This is proven to be true as Sasuke later states:
It's proven to be even more true when Sasuke learns their names from the scroll, despite them never telling him anything:
(also proven to be the same in storm 4)
Kinshiki's able to take on a replenished Sasuke and knock him back:
Which is consistent with the guide saying that their powers aren't inferior to Naruto and Sasuke:
Base Momoshiki also side stepped Naruto..
..and Fused Momoshiki took down an entire God Tree with just a roar:
It also states that Fused Momoshiki >~ Naruto and Sasuke individually:
Which is consistent..
..throughout their battle:
If we count using Storm 4 as valid proof:
Section 4A
These panels have been majorly blown out of proportion:
Notice Kurama's words: "Your battle skills are growing rusty... Pathetic." This is true.
Naruto was shown to be slow because he barely trained, however, by numerous statements:
You get stronger and gain more fighting experience after battles, which is the case for future events. (e.g. naruto performed poorly against shin -> later curbs delta)
Section 4B
This interview has been largely misinterpreted:
Here, Kishimoto is talking about him wanting to change the way the story should be expressed in fear of it being too similar to PT1 and Shippuden. He also states word-for-word that Naruto and Sasuke are "becoming so strong" that "the scale is gonna feel smaller".
Some people have construed this to mean that the scale has indefinitely gone down, however, it's merely just Kishimoto saying that he wants to change things up with the battles, just so that viewers don't get bored and feel like the story is being repetetive.
Section 4C
This is talking about Earth lol, plain and simple. The chakra fruit of Earth was already stated to be unlike any other planets' fruits.
Section 4D
Them saying this is meant to tear his spirit down, since this is what comes after they say this:
Section 4E
We don't know the true lengths of this battle, thus this scan can't be concrete to say Kaguya > Isshiki. The fight could've been a simple backstab or it could've been to the lengths of Madara vs Hashirama.
A good thing to note is that the word 'fight' can mean;
To contend in battle or physical combat
To strive to overcome a person by blows or weapons
To attempt to prevent the success or effectiveness of
A hostile encounter
I'm leaning towards the last option since everything in canon materials point to it being a surprise attack.
Section 4F
He was suppressed here, it's what happens with the Otsutsuki when they shed new skin, they have a suppressed version before going into their full power. (e.g. momo with the kage, kaguya with team 7, urashiki with er, yeah).
Section 4G
This is used to try and make Koji look relative to Konohamaru; lol, it's quite the opposite. If this is relativity, then I'd hate to see if he were weaker.
Many also try to claim that Koji is of relative strength to Jiraiya, even though by Kawaki's statement:
Everyone has been remodeled.
Koji also seems fairly confident in taking on Delta:
She should still be stronger than anyone Jiraiya has faced.
Section 4H
The "greatest threat the ninja world has ever faced" is true in Kaguya's context; there were only five people that were still up against her and only two of them could seal her. If one of the two sealers died, the world would've been doomed.
I'm pretty sure my final verdict is obvious, there's a lot of evidence that points towards the Boruto Era being stronger than Shippuden, although I didn't get into everyone's case as I only wanted to discuss the imperative ones that stir up a lot of commotion. Don't really care if you agree or not, just don't try arguing with me over this if you didn't read a smidge of anything I wrote; I'm gonna troll you and it'll end out badly for both of us.
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