Kabuto Yakushi
64 Votes in Poll
64 Votes in Poll
34 Votes in Poll
So I recently started watching Boruto after years of refusing to do so. I am at episode 40 right now and I feel like I wasn't wrong to be prejudiced, the show is mostly a mediocre cash grab, but I am optimistic. The retcons and the boring nonsensical plot lines aside the worst thing is the main character himself. Boruto is a terrible lead, he is this perfect super genius super talented demigod prince nobody can help worshipping. How is this little jerk the main character?
The saving grace for me were the supporting characters. Shikadai, Inojin, Mitsuki and most importantly Sarada. She is by far my favorite character. She knows she is not perfect and can never be but still tries her best to improve herself and expects people around her to do so as well. She knows she has big shoes to fill but isn't intimidated rather excited. She can differentiate between good and bad role models, she aspires to be like Naruto instead of her father.
She has the dream of becoming Hokage and we see her train for this goal while Boruto is out playing games with his friends. She tries to stop Boruto vandalizing the Hokage heads because she has dignity and respect. She wants a relatively normal family but is greatful for and loves the one she has right now meanwhile Boruto hates his father for not being present enough. While Boruto gets angry at his father for being too busy to eat the meal Hinata prepared, Sarada notices the love her parents have for each other by picking on details as small as a little smile, these are very mature things to do by a child her age.
I've been a fan of Naruto for 15 years now so I know how female characters have been treated in this series. Only strength a kunoichi can acquire in this universe is a physical one and not as much as their male counterparts at that. Female characters in Naruto tend to be useless and weak, every competent kunoichi ended up being either a housewife or a medical ninja so I am scared Sarada will turn out like the rest. If Sarada becomes another useless medical ninja, who can "punch really hard" and has "great chakra control", or a housewife, who becomes "very scary when she is angry", she will be wasted.
It’s been a while since I’ve shown one of my drawings on here, so I thought I’d share this💚
I had to block out the character in the middle cos he’s an oc of mine, and I didn’t want my drawing to get removed😭🤣