Oh... I didn't know! Sounds awesome! Hopes it'll be seperate - I don't need a Itachi arc filler...
To Geri-sama: Thank you thank you thank you!!! This time-line has been unbelievable helpful!! I'm genuinely grateful for your effort ~
To BakumatsuWarrior: Err... I kinda meant the third war, when I wrote, but your answer definitely enlighted me, too!! Sorry the confusion ~
Thank :) That was a great help ~
Oh, and how long time did the third war last?
Hey, I think it's really hard to find information about Kiri's doing the whole third war... Except for the Rin and three-tail accident, did they even participate? And how?
Also, Kiri is known for their hate toward Kekkei Genkai (or they used to). But when did it start? Before or after the third war? Please help me figuring things out!
P.S. How come there are no exact timelines over the Third Shinobi war? It would have been really, really helpful!!