I'm sorry doesn't fix the things he's done and tried to do. They forgive too easily in this series. Oricihmaru should at the very least be in prison, but he's just under surveillance despite the fact he cause a huge amount of damage and killed likely thousands of people both directly and indirectly.
That's beside the point though, is Sakura was going to the main female lead she should have had as almost as much screen time as Naruto and Sasuke.
I never really put much stock in the databooks. Sakura is nowhere near the level of Sasuke and Naruto no matter what the databooks say. She lacks the versatility and speed they have and also screw the fidelity. A "I'm sorry" is not good enough for trying to kill someone, betraying your village, and then attempting to kill all the village leaders. Then after all that they had a kid and he doesn't come home for twelve years to see his child despite the fact he could summon a creature that could fly or hop dimensions with his stupid eyes of op. It's an abusive one sided relationship and it disgusts me that it happened.
My dislike with Sakura comes from her wasted potential and how she was written. Kisimoto wrote her as pretty useless and shallow for much of the series when if she's supposed to be the smartest in her year she should be fairly dangerous. Instead she's the most useless out of the 12 pre-timeskip. Ino at least had intel gathering abilities.
Then this one sided crush on abusive ass Sasuke is gross. The fact they married and had a kid still disgusts me after everything he did to her and the village. I doubt there will ever be a reboot, but if there ever is I'd like whomever is writing it to make her competent. She doesn't have to be an uber genius like Sasuke or anything, but give her something that isn't the typical female healer playing back up. Also when we have Rock Lee whose far better at Taijutsu Sakura learning hulk smash punches is kinda lame. I'd have honestly preferred if she had become a medical ninja like Shizune or Kabuto just with Tsunade's healing factor. She'd have been scary then.
In a pure combat sense Sharingan is better. Even the base 3-tomoe due to all the perks. Not even going to mention Mangekyo cause it has more power ups then a saiyan and it's stupid.
However, I'd take a massive field of vision any day of the week. It's all about how you use the eyes and Byakugan allowing you to see anyone sneaking up on you is pretty amazing. It really dissappointed me there wasn't a single hyuuga sniper. Give a hyuuga raiton release, a bow, and just stick them in the woods and they can just fire arrows through trees into people. Sharingan couldn't defend against something they didn't see coming. It all depends on the person, the situation, and many other factors on which is better, but it really just boils down to opinion.
The main things I have against Boruto are no concept of power scaling, making the same mistakes shipudden made, and how they just abuse the old characters or dreg them up to make something seem threatening. The power scaling in Naruto went out the window after the pein arc and one reason I was excited for Boruto was to see things go back how they were. People weren't planet busting monsters. Instead the first thing we find out is Kaguya has relatives from an alternate space that are as strong or stronger then her apparently preparing to invade the world.
What? Ignoring the fact that that plot point seems like it's taken from the crack pot show ancient aliens the fact that there is no real build up to it and it's dropped on academy or genin Boruto is just nuts. The fact Boruto is the only one able to stop them was even dumber. Naruto started out about being about hard work overcomes talent and all that. Then it switched to chosen ones and now Boruto is the chosen one. That's beyond stupid.
It has too many characters I'd rather see just like the old series. I got tired of the same characters and since most the next generation are copies of their parents I'm bored with most of them. I wanna see more from Denki and the other kids and we're not even past 50 episodes or chapters and I'm already tired of most of the main kids and the secondary characters kids.
Back to power scaling I'm getting whiplash from this show. The kids are op then the adults who are supposed to be strong are hot garbage. Look at the latest arc with the new Mist swordsmen. They're a utter joke. However they are able to get one over on veterans from the last war from some reason. The seven swords are the Mist's super weapons and these clowns who have no right to be acting like hot stuff nor any power to back it up literally just walk in and take them. I don't even think the chest holding the damn swords was even locked! All that was guarding them was some crappy puppets that didn't even fire a shot or throw a punch. This makes everyone in the mist seem utterly incompetent. Watching Buroto is for the most part like watching the crap Naruto filler. Naruto has made millions so why on earth these story writers and animators can't put any effort into this series is beyond me and I hope it gets canceled.
I thought TenTen beat one of Kakuzu's mask? Still TenTen is the most underrated despite the fact she's really strong if you think about it. She has supreme accuracy, can use any weapon she gets her hands on, and is a walking armory with how much gear she has sealed away. Not to mention she's pretty good with taijutsu since she's on team guy and likely the fastest kunochi.
Sadly I'm in a club where they want to watch it. Not because it's good, but to tear it apart. We don't even have to dig deep it's been dumb from the get go. I do like some of the characters and I'm interested in seeing what the other students can do. The ones who are not the children of the last generation. I am however tired of the sheer amount of child prodigies in this series and how weak the new seven swordsmen are not to mention how utterly stupid they seem to be.
With the amount of hot garbage they've been throwing out I want it to get canceled. This show had all the potential in the world, but they just squander it for just cheap cash ins, lazy plots, and making the old cast look incompetent. It follows every cliche and just leaves me saying that's stupid every five seconds as I watch this. It's like watching a train wreck I can't look away this is getting worse then bleach.
I don't want the cast members to die, but I can agree with Starscream. He introduced so many characters that were more interesting then some of the main cast members we wanted to see more of them. Really a lot of Naruto was rushed and felt gross like that bs with Kaguya.
Remove your comments if you're going to continue to act like this. All I'm saying Naruto couldn't accomplish most his feats without the fox. The fox is not his power, he was not born or trained with it like those with clans/kekkai genkai. It was sealed in him, and if the village wasn't run by incompetent morons they'd have people training their living weapon to better be able to control it, not just for the purpose of accomplishing missions, but the safety of the village so every time he lost a comrade or saw someone get hurt there wasn't a chance of a freaking Kaijuu breaking loose and destroying everything around it for miles.
As for standing a chance against Orichimaru the man didn't go all in. He didn't use the giant white snake form or other techniques. Without the fox Naruto wouldn't have been any kind of threat to the man...woman...whatever Orichimaru is now. A normal base Naruto with no fox still has lots of chakra and could make a good number of clones. Enough for Kakashi to have shown him that training method earlier and tried to teach the kid some jutsu or something so he didn't rely on the same tricks throughout most the series.
All the teachers could have taught their students more. I'm still surprised Kurenai didn't teach Hinata genjutsu so she could just trap people in illusions while hiding since she could see through objects for miles around. There was a lot of wasted potential that looking back makes one wonder why the series went the way it did.
Regardless having a tailed beast inside of him carried Naruto through many of his fights. I still think Kiba vs Naruto was one of those fights. Naruto only won cause of a lucky fart cause he didn't plan that, and the ninetails inside him. He only won agaisnt Neji cause of Ninetails, he only survived Sasuke fighting him cause Kurama healed him. He stood no chance against Orichimaru when he went four tails on him. Naruto could have been better if Kakashi had been a better teacher and laid out better ground work for Jiraya to work with.
The difference between Akamaru and Kurama is like comparing a knife to a nuclear warhead. Naruto has a huge advantage over everyone because of Kuruma and I still don't think he'd have won without the fox.
Still the discussion is about whose the best teachers so what's your ranking for the teachers.
Ah sorry for misreading. Still Sakura was garbage going into the exam. Ino wasn't much better off, but at least she had some utility. Hinata wasn't ready either. Most those not ready were female due to Kisimoto being fairly sexist. The only other two konoha ninja not fully ready for the exam were Naruto imo and Choji.
He did train the other two though. Guy I mean. Lee and Guy had far more endurance then Neji and Tenten. The ran hundreds of laps around the village for fun, but on missions Neji and TenTen were able to keep up with them over long distances. Lee and Tenten were not garbage either. Lee danced all over Sasuke's face during the chuunin exams and took on Gaara and nearly won. Tenten was matched against the worst opponent for a ranged attacker. Heck Temari was one of the strongest people in that exam. So saying Tenten is garbage because she has no screen time and lost to one of the strongest kunochi in the series isn't fair. Tenten is also good with every weapon. Every. Single. Weapon. Most shinobi can only use basic ninja tools then one or two other weapons. She can use everything she gets her hands on. Add that with her being the fastest kunochi in her year, before training with guy who focuses on phyiscal combat and she is very competent. She's literally just in the wrong anime for her skills to shine. Team Guy easily trumps team 7 in the chuunin exams barring Naruto just going tailed beast mode.