It's out, guys. How did you like it?
A pretty mediocre final for a show that was running for a decade. I was expecting chapter 700 to be animated, but oh well. Naruto asking Iruka to act as his dad was amazingly well done, and it was also nice to finally see all the characters grown up once and for all. Yet for the final episode, I was expecting so much more. Now it's just like "yeah, that was ok I guess." After watching this show for almost 7 years, I hoped for something much more fulfilling.
That being said, peace out.
Shikamaru unintentionally being a ladykiller was nice. The cooking segment wasn't my cup of tea, but all in all, an alright episode.
Choji surprised me the most in this episode though to be honest. Not only is his present stellar (except he plans to go with them...), but he's also a great wingman. On top of that, him picking up food in limbo with Pain's theme playing was weird as hell, but in a good way (until everybody gets fat. Then it's just....ugh).
Tigerwu98 wrote: "sakurization"
That's an awesome term I'm going to steal right now for future usage. I could never stand the "Punch-if-embarassed"-shtick and am pretty dissapointed they change Temari into that direction.
Hiroyuki Yamashita said: There are two types of viewers: the people who expect great things from Boruto and the ones who are new to the series.
Hey, that's not true. I'm watching this for years and don't expect great things. I mean, I would hope for it to be great, but it smells too much like milking the series even further, so yeah. Gotta approach carefully.
I really liked the fist episode. Iruka apologising to his student felt a bit cheesy, but it's actually awesome to see a character realising they've been gushing over the main character too much. It always seems to me that being related to the MC in some way is the one and only character trait some protagonists have, so it felt that Iruka realising this and paying attention to characters that were literally just introduced really gave him more depth, and I loved that a lot.
Now the second episode...I usually don't like these silly, overblown episodes as it's not my type of humour. However, I must confess even I had a chuckle at the end when Lee, Guy and Ghost Neji screamed "DUMBBELLS!!" after all the trouble they went to to not come to this conclusion. Also, when I saw Lee and Guy in pink with their Studio Trigger-esque mouths, I realised Studio Pierrot is embracing the craziness like they don't care at all, and I give them credit for that.
All in all, good entertainment. Hopefully the arc stays that way.
Munchvtec wrote: Ramen!
That moment was so random I had to laugh.
The rest of the episode was mediocre, though I must admit I kinda liked the end. I bet I would've loved it to death if I cared about the pairings and shipping and all that stuff.
Shikamaru did not have a masterplan ready, he honestly got outwitted by Gengo last episode. My hopes were false, my rant still stands. Shit.
Now where to begin with today's episode...?
Let's just say I'm not buying Shikamaru planning on Soku's shots directed at both his ears at the same time (why would she aim at them anyway?) so that he can numb them that way. It's too random for a genius who calculates hundreds of possibilities in seconds. Old Shikamaru would use tactics and all his tools to the maximum efficiency, now Shikamaru enters the lair of his enemy through the front door (not protected btw) and charges 3 - 4 enemies head-on. No plan whatsoever. Him getting rescued by an asspull concluded that wonderfully.
This entire arc is a major disservice to his character, and it really shouldn't be.
MythicConditor wrote: There's no homosexuals (freaks) in Naruto.
Are you for real?
Ravenlot 27 wrote: ...especially as this "execution" process of Sai turned out to be the trap exactly for Shikamaru (Sai was already on Gengo's side, makes no sense to execute your own follower).
I can see that, that indeed helps me calm down a lot. I would still be troubled by Shikamaru, the genius shinobi himself, not seeing the obvious holes in the plan and not worrying since everything went smoothly apparently. But maybe we see in the next episode how he all anticipated this with a masterplan. I wouldn't mind if he played both Gengo and me. I can just hope.
So last episode, the shinobi, who are described to be extremely cautious towards outsiders, left "dead" Shikamaru and Ro just lying at their door. When they returned, both weren't there anymore AND Soku, who just joined their ranks conveniently "died" because her own technique hit her? Furthermore, they don't question the whereabouts of the spy from last episode who got knocked out by Soku JUST AFTER SHE JOINED THEM? Furthermore, they determine that a person is dead when they don't sense their chakra just like that without checking her body's vital signs? They also don't realise she's still alive while putting her into the bag? They also aren't interested in "the secrets of her body" (which, as creepy as it might sound, is one of the reasons rouge ninjas are hunted down) and just leave her there despite her special ability? Then, they don't notice she left the morgue and instead walks around freely amongst the townsfolk and shinobi without even changing her looks? On top of it while being accompanied by two people who just died, too? They don't notice Shikamaru and Ro talking about taking Gengo down while being surrounded by hundreds of them? They also don't notice how both jump around the rooftops placing explosive tags? No rogue ninja from Konohagakure, not even the one being confronted, noticed Shikamaru being there despite being a pretty famous shinobi already? What is all of this?
Call me over-nitpicky or contrarian or whatever, but I was fuming throughout this episode. On top of it, we had Shikamaru going absolute edgelord on that Minoichi guy, Soku's still unlikable, the highly trained Anbu member Ro faints after being in a choke-hold he couldn't possibly avoid and Gengo literally uses Talk no Jutsu.
I know that Gengo can weaken Shikamaru and the others somehow and that it's possible he knew about them and told his shinobi to ignore them, but that doesn't make it up for me. I'm troubled I hated this episode so much despite the premise actually having so much potential.
I didn't like it a lot. Soku's annoying, I knew from the very beginning that the innkeeper is fake and Shikamaru's plan was 1) predictable and 2) relied way too much on Soku's whims, rather than calculation. Also, why would the Silence-shinobi just leave Shikamaru and the other dude lying there? Did they think there were no possible concerns with two dead bodies just lying right in front of their door? It's just poor writing, really.
What I like though is that they use the old OST again. Good stuff.
I don't care much about discussions like this, but can it at least be done in a mature way, please?
All-round stellar episode. Finally we get some kind of explanation of why Sasuke, Orochimaru and Kabuto can just go on with their lives after all the shit they've done (especially Kabuto's case annoyed me a lot). The bit world-building was a fresh sight as well, and Karin's screentime wasn't as long as I feared, which is always good in my book.
What really stood out to me though was Orochimaru's baffled look and the 3 seconds it took him to grasp that Chino's in fact older than Sasuke. I think it's the first time we see him completely flabbergasted, and I loved it.
The fight at the beginning seemed a bit stiff, but the rest of the episode was amazing. Looking forward to this a lot!
It's out, guys. How did you like it?
At least the last one was somewhat enjoyable. I disliked the strange close-up shots and found it weird that Obito and Kakashi were so close as kids, but that aside, it was alright. It showed us something new, like Kakashi's living style and the Sannin sharing stories and acting like a team, which I liked. 3/5
Elveonora wrote: Hey, Yashamaru? Why do we get hungry? So we may eat yummy food of course. Hey, Yashamaru? Why is the sky blue? So we may look up at it to feel better. Hey, Yashamaru? Why don't I have a mother? Because you have an uncle who will murder you if you say 'Hey, Yashamaru' one more fucking time. Hey, Yashamaru? You mad? Enough is enough you son of a **** whoops, that's my sister whom I'm referring to... then enough is enough you son of a **** whoops, that's my boss and brother in law I'm referring to... You know what? I'm just going to commit suicide.
Given the pacing of these episodes, that conversation might've taken a whole day.
Not really salty, but I do remember the arc as utter crap. Usually, I don't care the slightest bit about the relation between Kaguya - Ten-Tails - God-Tree - Tailed Beasts etc. because the discussions about it were waaaay too painstaking, only connected via vage information here and there and all in all, just not interesting in the least to me. However, even I could see there was something wrong with how the arc tried to explain the issue and that's quite an achievement in itself, as I see it.
But yeah, since everything it showed story-wise was nonsense, I didn't care much about the rest and eventually forgot about it until now. It's bad, though not the worst filler arc SP did IMO.
"Hey, Yashamaru...............................................why............................................why do we get hungry?"
"...........................................................Well, let's that we can eat delicious food."
".............................................................................................................................................................................................................I see!!" continues with 30 seconds of Gaara eating
The pacing kills me.
Edit: Alright, finally finished the episode. So yeah, Gaara's story was lame as hell. Also, I always thought Kankuro and Temari hated Gaara as a kid. Shikamaru's was partly alright. I liked Iruka scaring the trio and the rest was acceptable as well until we came to the scene with Ino, from then on, it got weird again. 2/5 at best.
I really got the impression they try some slightly more artistic stuff with these episodes. Lots of close-up views and looooots of silence. While I'm usually all up for artistic tricks, I can't enjoy it here because of the absolute boredom that is the content shown. Nothing happens. The addition of Sakura's secret base was nice, the rest already known and therefore boring as hell. And Sakura's father is the worst.
"Your daughter will hate you."
1/5, like last week. This filler arc is off to a bad start for sure.
To each their own, folks.
I personally wasn't too hyped about it, found it ok at best. Art really is getting better though, I can acknowledge that.