Scuff marks in One-Punch Man are not exactly indicative of damage, though of course Sasuke was also holding back when blood was drawn.
He is arguably not even the second strongest in his own group, let alone the entire manga...
Chakra is not alive in the conventional sense that reishi is which is what causes it to "age" away, chakra at rest can theoretically last forever, so I feel Dust Release would just pierce it and vaporize him. Alternatively, going from the reishi side, his ability just does not work on targets stronger than himself, which Ōnoki also probably is as he is arguably stronger than Yondaime Raikage (or at least the potency of his Dust Release is), and Yondaime Raikage is stronger than B, who is stronger than Hachibi, who is stronger than baseline bijū that can vaporize mountains and possibly shake continents, but yes, this is probably just going to be ignored...
Also, it is not my fault one does not understand the nature of chakra flow, despite every possible example, and a biased judge...
The seventh is missing.
He was already falling. He just put his hand against his chest and ran Chidori through him. Running it through himself is the phrasing used for flow.
It is not an ad hominem when it is relevant to the matter at hand...
I am not stating Yin Release does so because of Wood Release. Yin Release does so, because it does, from what has been shown.
The puppets do not have their original pathway system. Their skin and organs have been ripped out, which as was shown with Lee would also rip out their chakra network. They do retain their chakra, but it is stored like a battery instead. Corpses cannot hold chakra to begin with, a lack of chakra is itself death (human puppets are special). It has been conceded that the user is flowing their chakra into them, so it has also been conceded one can flow and manipulate without a chakra network.
Almost all of Sandaime Kazekage's body has been completely altered, both internally and externally, and yet Sasori can manipulate its internals regardless, down to fine control of its jutsu. More broadly, he is clearly just sending chakra down internally through the wire even when he is not controlling its jutsu. (The Thousand Hands Manipulation Force does not require a human puppet to use since Sakura does not question the nature of its chakra until it starts using Magnet Release.)
I already proved they function without chakra since they are flowed into inanimate objects.
The circulatory system having a biological competent has nothing to do with the point...? Chakra existing in the cells does not prove that chakra is the means in which they are controlled, and is also not even true. Cells do not have chakra. Chakra is a byproduct of the cells. This is literally explained in the first arc. That the chakra network winds across the entire body does not mean the entire body functions with it on that level.
Machines do not have a chakra pathway system. What art thou even talking about? The fact file is referring to regular computers and other technology. The internals of an inorganic, inanimate objects are controlled by someone flowing chakra through it.
The claim that Kabuto is affected due to his pathway when the jutsu is stated to directly inject/interfere with the nervous system is unproven.
Or that it is severed and then the brain immediately tries to reconnect, causing the errors. Not that it matters, I was just pointing out thou dost not read the jutsu files...
Thou essentially did, not a strawman, and thou canst not prove there would be chakra within it just because they are intertwined, either.
The chakra staying in someone else's body would just mean they would remain under genjutsu the entire time. That is how Chino's genjutsu functioned since she was able to send out the afflicted who needed to have her chakra be manually removed, and it was not flowing through the chakra network, either.
“But there’s foreign chakra running through the bodies of those people.”
“What d’you mean, Hinata?”
Hinata’s byakugan had seen it, foreign chakra running through every inch
of their bodies. Such a slight aura that it couldn’t be seen without the
byakugan. It was possible that this was what was controlling them.
“So then, we just have to take out that chakra!” If they just got rid of the
source, the problem would be resolved. That’s what Naruto thought, but
Hinata’s face remained clouded.
“That chakra … it’s moving around like part of the body. It might have
fused within their bodies.”
"“Understood.” Sakura’s chakra arrived at the blood vessels inside the man,
and saw the problematic chakra. Paying the utmost care to not causing any
injuries, she removed the chakra, and then looked at Hinata for confirmation.
Hinata looked through every nook and cranny of the man’s body, and then
nodded firmly. The foreign chakra circulating within their patient had been
completely removed."
I remind again that the chakra network does not reach across the entirety of the body, nor does it bind every cell, or every drop of blood in the manner that is described.
"Sasuke stared at the blood that had spilled out. He sensed a strange chakra
in that blood. Perhaps the young man had released a special chakra into his
blood and transformed his body."
No, the clay is not made to hold chakra. Deidara just uses higher quality clay as it is a better conduit for explosions. One does not need to specifically use clay, though, it is just Deidara's preference. The kinjutsu is not Explosion Release. The kinjutsu is the mouths on his hands which aides in the flowing of the chakra to form his clay constructs. Explosion Release itself is not the nature of flowing it, either. It is just the chakra that is explosive. Anyone can flow chakra into any object, but only Explosion Release can make it so particularly explosive, beyond that of a typical explosive tag which also probably has Fire Release chakra flowed into a slip of paper. Deidara's kinjutsu allows him to form his clay constructs, which do not rely on Explosion Release, either, insofar that they would be able to fly without it, just not explode. He could still use Explosion Release without it to make regular objects explode, but he would not have his fancy C-jutsu, and someone with neither can just flow chakra normally.
The electricity is not powering it. It is directly manipulating it to the user's desire, this is chakra being flowed into the internals of an inanimate object that lacks chakra.
The argument was that Yin Release could not possibly affect a human since shinobi cannot flow chakra internally into that which lacks a chakra network. Yes they can, as shown with the above and below examples.
"“Ee, eep …” The last man gave a pathetic cry and tried to run. Sasuke
unsheathed his sword and let his chakra flow into it. With the blade
enveloped in crackling electricity, he thrust it at the man’s defenseless back."
"st as he grabbed ahold of the object he wanted, an enormous
ball assaulted Iou’s house. Immediately escaping the building, Sasuke poured
his chakra into the object he had acquired"
"Sasuke pulled out a kunai, infused it with chakra, and flung it at his
Yang Release then shows that shinobi are capable of consistent flowing chakra into another target, and it is not based around a chakra network, either, since it is on the cellular level, whilst the chakra network exists on a much larger scale, and it is the cells that produce the energy that is mixed into chakra, not the other way around.
Thou hast shown outright ignorance of the basics of multiple kinds of ninjutsu, not I...
I wish they did not argue on that which they know nothing about either.
The clan was all but extinct before Sasuke was born, and they lived in another country. There would be no reason for the manga to bring it up.
The Three Great Dōjutsu are related, but if there are great dōjutsu, there would be non-great dōjutsu. The idea the Sharingan and Byakugan share an origin was stated during Neji's match, the first time the Byakugan saw serious use, and later the Rinnegan was tied into that. It never said that all dōjutsu were interlinked.
Also, there are other canon dōjutsu that are unrelated to any of the above four.
It was only shown that Minato's Hiraishin is faster. The technique is not the same speed for everyone. Even Tobirama's Hiraishin is slower from a Shadow Clone, as he himself said.
One cannot exactly prove the exploding Truth Seeking Orb is exploding faster than Sasuke's Amaterasu, or that Sasuke's Amaterasu is even the same speed as Itachi's.
Feel thou art the one begging the question...
He did not stab himself. He put the hand against his body and flowed Lightning Release into his bloodstream.
It proves that one can flow chakra into one's body, directly.
Apparently thou dost not grasp botany about as much as thou dost not grasp the nervous system.
Wood Release is specifically the manipulation of fauna... Yin Release affects anyone or anything.
That is not how chakra strings work, they flow directly into the insides of the puppet. Sasori used it to control the output of Sandaime Kazekage's own Magnet Release chakra. He would not be able to control the Iron Sand otherwise.
"The cornerstone of ninjutsu was the Chakra Pathway System that carried living being’s energy –ie chakra– through
its pathways. Kankurou had unmistakably launched his own chakra-laden strings towards the giant in his attack.
He had, in a nutshell, turned the giant into a sort of ‘living puppet’.
Of course, Kankurou didn’t have a jutsu like the byakugan that’d let him perfectly see the chakra pathways of his opponents. But, if you studied the matter diligently enough, then you could easily send your chakra to invade the Chakra Pathway of your opponent, thus creating a countercurrent of chakra and throwing their jutsu into disarray."
(Puppets do not have their own chakra network, before anyone brings that up...)
Manipulation via chakra flow into the body. The network is moot when it has to flow into the entire body.
There is no substantiation to the idea that every jutsu requires a chakra network, or that they cannot flow into that which lacks it. Every example thus far has shown injection into either... It is not flowing from their chakra network, either, it is from their open wounds, so it is from their circulatory system.
One cannot control machinery by coating the outside. Asuma's chakra blades are directly stated to absorb the chakra, but those are just to aide in the process, so clearly all chakra flow is internal and external, as one would have to do to create an explosive, or manipulate machinery. This has not been disproven.
She did not transform her chakra into electricity. She gave it the properties of electricity. This how basic nature transformation works. A Fireball Jutsu is still chakra even if transformed, and likewise, chakra is transformed into Yin Release for genjutsu, allowing it to be manipulated to cast illusions on people or objects.
Yes it does.
"Disturbing body control by severing the pathways of [brain←→body] information flow!!"
The nervous system is not the chakra network just because they are intertwined.
One does not need chakra to fall under genjutsu, as I already explained. Injecting chakra is possible as I showed with several jutsu that do exactly that, and thou just move unto a special pleading fallacy and claim it is unique to them, when it is more likely the other way around.
Explosive Release injects chakra into non-animate objects, often clay. Lightning Release can flow chakra into machinery to interact with them. Earth Release often flows chakra into the ground to manipulate it or change its properties, like Kakashi turning it into quartz, all of which are internal. The Sharingan itself was stated to inject chakra at least on the Mangekyō level, so even if it was only dōjutsu that could do so (which is dubious), it is a moot point in relation to the original discussion. The basis of medical ninjutsu is flowing chakra (likely Yang Release) internally unto the target to accelerate their rate of healing, which can be used offensively as shown against Kido, so chakra can be flowed into inanimate objects and also injected into a target.
Having chakra in the pathway system is moot when they have shown the ability to flow it into inanimate objects.
That it was "simple" does not mean he did not flow it into his bloodstream. It was literally shown in his blood running through the C4, look again.
A plant's lifesource is in its roots, inside of itself. And yes, it can be flowed through. Puppets such as Sandaime Kazekage are controlled internally to release their chakra, or New Era technology wherein chakra directly interfaces with it, which cannot possibly be just a coating.
Turning the entire body into water is not manipulating it, it would only work by flowing into it.
Every jutsu shown in detail is shown to be injecting it, like the Ketsuryūgan genjutsu:
"The ninjas’ bodies had been cut in various places, and the chakra appeared to be
entering them through these wounds. Once inside, the chakra crept and
crawled around their bodies like blood circulating. The ninja with the foreign
chakra winding around into every crevice of their bodies had scabs over their
wounds almost like lids to keep the chakra inside, and the wounds were
quickly disappearing."
I already showed various examples of them flowing chakra into inanimate objects...
That they have a pathway system is both irrelevant since they can flow into non-living, but even beyond that, it was directly injected into the nervous system. The nervous system is not the same as the pathway system, it is just interwoven, so to directly inject into the nervous system is to skip that altogether.
The electricity is chakra. Read the databook file again.
"transforming the chakra within one's body and giving it the properties of electricity"
This is the same as the Chidori, and no one says that is not chakra, and as I established, she is directly flowing it into his nervous system, directly severing its connection to the brain, so the pathway system has nothing to do with it.
So if one had no chakra, it would just be impossible to disrupt. That file says nothing on needing chakra beforehand, and Jiraiya's claim is likewise moot since it having chakra disrupted does not mean chakra is needed. The genjutsu user can inject their chakra.
It being intertwined is irrelevant when chakra can be flowed all the way through inanimate objects. Likewise, it is stated to directly affect the nervous system regardless; they can theoretically force into/unto other people. Tsunade did not inject it into Kabuto's chakra network, it is stated she used her chakra to induce an effect in his nervous system,
and lo, genjutsu is also a manipulation of the nervous system (though with Yin chakra instead, but I already explained that ere). That the user's chakra flows from their own chakra network to accomplish this is irrelevant, it could theoretically come from anywhere, even outside of the body.
Neurotransmitters in the skin would not raise one's reaction time, that would be in the brain... Do I need to explain how the nervous system works?
No, it literally went into his bloodstream. Deidara comments on this. Just hitting himself with it would not defuse the bombs, since the lightning needs to be injected into the bombs to disarm their Earth Release.
It is flowed into their nervous system, and they can just as easily flow into inanimate objects or plants...
It is through their entire body, it is not just the outside; Kakuzu cannot move since he is completely petrified, which would not be the case for armour.
The Water and Wood Release shows chakra can be flowed into their entire body.
I already provided proof.
It was not addressed; they can both inject genjutsu and pure chakra into the target, and they are capable of flowing chakra internally through that which does not have a chakra network.
The claim was that chakra flow only coats the outside. I proved this was not the case. Ergo, they can flow chakra internally into someone. They do so constantly with their own jutsu, which affects their nervous system with Lightning Release.
Pure chakra does not have a pathway, the pathway is a biological feature.
And how does it augment his reflexes...?
It induces an internal effect, stated to emerge from inside the body, raising the speed of the neurotransmitters.
If he can inject chakra into his blood stream, I fail to see wherefore he could not likewise do the same to someone else's nervous system. The Chidori itself actually is a "super-activation" of the user's flesh, so it is, likewise, not external.
Other Lightning Release jutsu similarly flow through the user's nervous system to increase their capabilities. Earth Release can harden the entire body. Water Release can liquify all of it and even focus the effect to a specific area, internally. They can flow chakra all the way through, not just their outsides.
Wood Release both converts the user's own chakra into the plantlife and then also flows it into the new-formed plant life to accelerate its growth. This is also seen indirectly wherein Naruto's Yang Kurama's chakra mode induces the growth of Hashirama-clone Zetsu.
Every single kind of jutsu can be flowed internally through an object if need be. Genjutsu would be no different.
"you can't juts inject chakra into someone"
Except for the jutsu that can flow chakra through someone, and the genjutsu that injects chakra (like Sharingan genjutsu, at least on the Mangekyō level). Also, Sasuke has the Rinnegan which can produce chakra receivers which literally function to inject chakra into someone. Even regular shinobi also have means of chakra injection, and as I established, they also flow it into inanimate objects, all the way through, so a nervous system (which Lightning Release often interacts with) should be no obstacle. Explosion Release is not just coating the outside of the bomb, the entire object is filled with explosive chakra (usually clay).
These are not summons, and to the post above, they nearly killed Sasuke before Naruto came in, so I would not say they are weak either. Also, they have names: Inukaitakerunomikoto and Pheasant Hunter.
Indeed, in the New Era chakra use is so precise Sasuke is able to manipulate molecular bonds with it, forcing a phase change from water to ice.
Chakra does not just go around it, it goes all the way through it. Nintaijutsu uses lightning chakra flow that goes directly into one's own nervous system, for example. Sasuke forcibly flowed chakra through his bloodstream to negate Deidara's C4, though it seemed he is not as mastered as the Raikage, since it actually ended up hurting him.
Wood Release can broadly flow chakra internally into local fauna to supercharge their growth. I could provide more examples if need be.
So many claims, so little proof.
This thread is the worst writing decision, actually.
I meant that it being able to kill anyone...
No limits fallacy, assuming he could even cast it to begin with.
It is confirmed in the fact file that Baryon Mode produces a power much more potent than its components. So being a piece of Kaguya is a moot point when the amplification is so great.