FishTank wrote:
WindStar7125 wrote: Any updates, FishTank? It's been a while and there are some questions and comments that you haven't responded to yet.
Hi, there. Sorry, I've been swamped with some other projects and general changes with Fandom. I know that there are some outstanding infoboxes yet to be ported, but would you please summarize for me any remaining issues there are with those already deployed?
Any updates, FishTank? It's been a while and there are some questions and comments that you haven't responded to yet.
That "fan feed" feature at the bottom of the page is not new, and has been there for a while to my knowledge (I haven't touched my global.css in some time, and it's had the fan feed feature hidden since then).
#mixed-content-footer { display: none; }
To your global.css or common.css files and it should disappear.
FishTank wrote:
I wanted to run another design idea by you all. I'd like to consider moving the "edit" link in the infobox (seen in this screenshot) to a less obtrusive icon (that also won't show up in mobile). The proposed icons are:
The icons move to the next line (in this case) if the title is sufficient length, but placing them on their own line below the titles (regardless of the title length) is also a path we can take. Tell me what you think, and what you'd prefer.
Interesting modification. Personally I don't mind, but I'd rather have everything on one line if possible.
FishTank wrote: I'm admittedly a bit confused here as to what the desired behavior is, and want to make sure I have this right.
To confirm:
should display in the jutsu's "Users" as (Movie only).
should not display in the user's "Jutsu".
should display in the jutsu's "Users" as (Movie only).
should display in the user's "Jutsu" without any special qualifier (such as (Movie only)).
Sorry for taking long to respond, but this is all correct.
Alright, thanks.
FishTank, something else popped up: In this article, (Movie canon only) is being displayed in the Users section of the infobox, which should not be the case.
To my understanding, how the Jutsu infobox works is when we list a character as one of the users in the jutsu infobox, SMW allows that jutsu name (hyperlinked and all) to appear in the jutsu section of the respective character infobox (we do this so we don't have to manually list all of the jutsu of a character in their respective infobox, as it would be a hassle to do so for characters like Naruto or Sasuke, both examples of characters who have used a vast array of jutsu).
Most of the Naruto films are regarded as non-canon, so for instance, if a canon character uses a jutsu that they've only been shown to use in a non-canon movie, we still list them as a user of that jutsu in the jutsu infobox, but the addition of ~movie
next to the character's name in the source code yields a (Movie only) tag that is displayed in the jutsu infobox, and most importantly, the jutsu name does not appear in the respective character infobox due to this addition.
Things got a bit interesting when the recent two films, The Last: Naruto the Movie and Boruto: Naruto the Movie were confirmed as canon, so the purpose behind appending ~movie canon
to a character's name in the source code of the jutsu infobox is so that the jutsu name does appear in the respective character infobox. Aside from that, ~movie canon
works no differently than ~movie
and should still display (Movie only) in the jutsu infobox. If I recall correctly, UltimateSupreme is the one who implemented this when canon movies became a thing, so can you fix this please?
Also, this post of mine never received an answer.
FishTank wrote: That's easy enough to adjust.
I presume "other names" became "Alternative names" in the infoboxes in this article for example, correct? If this is the case, thanks for the adjustment.
How would you feel about placing the (full-width) Kanji/Kana+Romaji title fields above the image immediately after the English title?
I presume this is a move for consistency (which I have no issues with) across infoboxes, since the Volume infobox, unlike others, has displayed the triad of names above the image before the proposal? Or are there other reasons too for this move?
This is a question that should be asked on the Naruto Answers wiki. Thanks.
Another issue: the infobox in this chapter article links to an anime episode despite there being no anime adaptation for the respective chapter.
FishTank, are we going to move ahead with this? UltimateSupreme has already given his reply.
FishTank wrote: UltimateSupreme gave a go-ahead in other internal communications when he was a part of Vanguard.
How recently was this?
Dantman replied to me via email. In his words, he said he "[doesn't] really have any input. [He] made the base infobox system, but to [his] memory others expanded it beyond [his] knowledge. [He doesn't] know all the intricate details that need to be covered by a new implementation."
He also noted that we should ensure that things like auto-populating of SMW data for other infoboxes still works.
I'll try pinging UltimateSupreme again on his page, as I don't have his email address.
FishTank wrote: It's been a couple weeks, and I feel like there's an agreement in principle that I can continue putting up some more drafts for testing, so long as they're feature-complete. In that respect, have you found any SMW issues with the Drafts, WindStar?
Yes, I have. The proposed draft infobox for Tools removes the slideshow in the infobox. Ideally we'd like to keep those in the infoboxes that use slideshows along with maintaining tabbers in infoboxes that use them (such as character infoboxes). Not to mention in the draft, the "Name" sub-infobox listing the different names of the subject looks different from the current infoboxes, particularly the lack of appearance of the words "Kanji", "Rōmaji" and "Alternative names" in their respective parameters. I would think we'd like those to be formatted the same way you format the "Literal English" and "English anime" parameters in your draft for Tools.
FishTank wrote: Also, I'm reluctant to wait on UltimateSupreme to move forward (even if moving forward is in baby steps). His editing is fairly sporadic for the last year, and so I'd like to see other opinions as well. Perhaps this sort of change can help simplify things for the less technically-oriented.
I was aware that UltimateSupreme is busy and may not give a timely response, so my contingency plan for that from the beginning was to contact Dantman by email. Though UltimateSupreme did test the draft on a page here so I presumed he'd have responded by now. So I'll get Dantman, as he usually appears when he's contacted by email. Both of them have a more in-depth understanding of the infoboxes than I do. Even if I agree to them being implemented here given everything goes smoothly, either one of them can ensure that everything works more proficiently than I.
FishTank wrote: Excellent! I'm glad you found a potential bug. Feel free to mention these on my talk page, and I am happy to squash the bugs. I'll look into that one.
No problem. I'll test more and let you know. And I found a weird form issue as well.
EDIT: Never mind, that "form issue" is related to the current SMW infobox, not the draft.
AsianReaper wrote: Do we have any sort of consensus?
Not yet. It's far too soon to have one, given these infoboxes need to be rigorously tested on live articles. Not to mention:
FishTank wrote: We would appreciate your go-ahead, but it is an incremental process and there are multiple stages where you can ask questions or for changes. We're expecting it may take a month or more to get full consensus. Please let me know. Thanks!
This is something that'll take time.
BerserkerPhantom wrote: You say it like we'll have a choice >___< Need I remind you this?
We do. If it's one thing FANDOM hasn't been forceful with, it's their portable infoboxes. Otherwise, they'd have changed our SMW ones years ago irrespective of the complaints we'd have thrown at them. Trust me, they've tried to add portable infoboxes to another wiki I've worked on, but they never got implemented there because of the reasons I provided as to why they wouldn't help much (btw, I like your Nightwing avatar, BerserkerPhantom).
Just to be clear: if everything (or mostly everything) works on the SMW end, I'll say yes to the changes. But they still need to be tested on articles. Currently, I'm finding issues with the volume pages.
@FishTank, sorry to edit your post, but one of your images was linking to the wrong one, so I changed it to what was intended so users who had wanted to see larger versions of each image were not confused.
As FANDOM already knows, we've been steadfast in wanting to maintain our SMW infoboxes over the portable infoboxes that FANDOM released years ago. We felt that, to be quite blunt, changing from SMW to portable infoboxes at the time would be a total degradation from what we currently had in nearly every way possible.
However, this proposed amalgamation between SMW and Lua, from first glance, seems like a very nice compromise between maintaining the SMW functionality that we stand by, and the portability on the Mercury skin that FANDOM has been pushing on communities for a while.
Again, given how stern we've been with keeping SMW here, I think the best case scenario in this would be us being able to preserve every function we currently have from SMW with little to no sacrifices, with it also being portable and upgraded by Lua. Nevertheless, I will admit, while I have experience in this area of the wiki, I am not a renown expert on it like say, User:UltimateSupreme. I'll observe from afar and hear opinions from him and others here who have similar experience and skill in this area more so than I after their inspections.
Snapper2 wrote: So I was going to update the policy per this discussion, but I don't have permission to edit the page. Oops. If a sysop could please copy this into the policy page. You can further modify it as you please.
I also updated the list in my original post to only list terms that I couldn't come up with an easy explanation for. If somebody can think of a reason or they think it fits under one of the reasons I already came up with, it can be stricken.
Updated accordingly.
Omnibender wrote: As far as villages are concerned, I think the "-gakure" names are untranslated because it's the proper name case. The articles that use village have their village titles untranslated as well (Takumi, Jomae, et al). It's not like the hidden village articles are named in a "Konohagakure Village" format, we don't put the "no Sato" in the article title. It might be simply a case of dropping the untranslated portion of the article title for those.
I see. And then there's the odd case with Parasitic Destruction Insect Technique and Kikaichū. Tau doesn't recall "Kikaichū" and the like being proper names like "Kakashi" or so. Though, nothing has been renamed as of yet since he brought that up.
Should we rename these to their respective literal translations to match with Parasitic Destruction Insect Technique and other cases? Or should we rename Parasitic Destruction Insect Technique to Kikaichū Technique to match up with the terms Snapper listed?
Elveonora wrote: My personal opinion:
For the latter, this is just my opinion, but as an example: 'Light Style' seems vague. Is it called Light Style because it produces/manipulates light? Or is it meant as 'light' (low weight) or does it cover the dozen other meanings the word 'light' can have in English in various contexts? Well, I think 'Yang' tells us much better what it's about, that it has to do with duality and what not.
But what I'm trying to say here, is that we should be as consistent as possible and we either go with 'most official' or 'most sensible'
Going with the official English anime and/or VIZ translations would save us the tedious semantic arguments, but I understand that the official translations at times aren't always the most accurate. The conundrum with Light Style is also a good point to bring up.
Hawkeye2701 wrote: Obviously proper names shouldn't be translated. So we shouldn't expect to translate things like Kakashi and group names literally.
Character names weren't brought up in the original post for that reason. Though this could be explicitly stated in the Naming policy as well, I don't see how that would hurt.
Seelentau wrote: They're all valid translations of some of the terms listed above. I'm not sure where Snapper wants to go with this. There haven't been issues with translations in years, why fix something that's not broken?
Yeah I will admit, these are an exorbitant amount of terms to go through and addressing them all seems... a tad bit strenuous. Many terms that are listed I feel are fine as they are. To address what I think is "broken", I presumed from the previous discussion that the issue lied with inconsistencies across articles with translations such as Parasitic Destruction Insect Technique (aka Kikaichū Technique) and Kikaichū (aka Parasitic Destruction Insect) or, like how Snapper brought up in the previous discussion, how some articles use "-gakure" and others use "Village". Why is this the case?