@PaisaXP Code used Karma when he really tried to fight Daemon, so he didn't mean that he could beat Daemon without Karma
I never said or implied that one year post-P1 Sasuke is stronger than any version of Rinnegan Sasuke. I'm telling you to prove it. That is your burden of proof.
How do you know he didn't do anything to improve himself and only focused on training Boruto? Prove it.
In the Narutoverse, training intensely can give people a lot of power boost. Like how Boruto got immensely stronger after P1, from being roughly equal to Kawaki when both in base in P1, to now being above TS Kawashiki despite only in base.
@PaisaXP Code was in base when he lost an eye to Sasuke, he wasn't using White Karma
And how can you confidently prove that one year post-P1 Sasuke is weaker than Jigen-fight Sasuke?
He is being appropriately scaled tbh
Well, Urashiki is also at FP Sasuke level or higher since he and Gaara couldn't take Urashiki down, and Urashiki has better speed feats than Fused Momo
But that still wouldn't be enough to beat Isshiki
Unfortunately that way of thinking could only fall under assumptions as we can not be for sure that Code even trained during the timeskip, or that if he did train, he would get stronger than Isshiki or P1 Daemon.
Boruto blitzes them before they can use IT. There is also an argument that Otsutsuki might be immune to IT since it is implied Kaguya didn’t plan to use it against Momoshiki and Kinshiki since she prepared a white zetsu army instead
Kaguya and Madara are immortal until they can not regenerate anymore and have every parts of their body blown the hell off at the same time. They do not have high enough durability to take Boruto’s sword slashes.
Boruto can just speed blitz Kaguya while she is making the ETSO, which would stop the ETSO expansion.
Boruto speed blitzes Madara before he uses Limbo
You could argue current Base Boruto is relative or stronger than Isshiki based on the power difference between him and current NL Code
Current Borushiki has a very likely chance to be much stronger than Isshiki or even BM Naruto
Its mainly one statement that would point to Toneri > Kaguya
Other than that, there is nothing else
It is entirely possible that his moon splitting attack has insane AP
If you think Toneri > Kaguya, then:
TL BSM Naruto > Toneri > Kaguya > Pre-VOTE2 6PKCM Naruto
=> TL SM Naruto > Pre-VOTE2 6PSM Naruto > WA BSM Naruto
=> TL Base Naruto > WA KCM2 Naruto
And since Base Hokage Naruto > TL Base Naruto, then Base Hokage Naruto > WA KCM2 Naruto
@25kBuda the 2nd we can not be sure that changes in jutsu colour would confirm that Hinata received Hamura's chakra
It could be a Kakashi situation where different moves (Hinata's purple lion fists jutsu has a different name than her blue one) may have different colours, like how Kakashi's Raikiri and Purple Lightning have different colours despite both being Lightning Release
You could argue that since Boruto was surprised that Daemon could react to Kawaki's rods, this would imply that Boruto may have thought every rod speed is the same no matter the stages of the Dojutsu
Though I think this is a pretty weak argument and quite hard to defend
Because they don't want to
How innovative
Tayuya Genjutsu + White Rage Technique GG
Because some people even irl just look much younger than they actually are
@Yoshua Uzumaki when did Kaguya see future events by reading a person's soul?
Hidari beats all versions of Sasuke
Yes no