Say I wanted to contribute, how do I know what to edit?
I personally hate haters to any character, but with Sakura I despise people who hate on her. Here are the reasons why:
As you said they leave out all her good characteristics like, literally being the only med ninja in team 7 and having the most chakra control out of all of them.
She was basically the balancing factor of Team 7 because she mostly kept Sasuke and Naruto from fighting even though in Part I she kinda helped Sasuke more
If I took the bad characteristics of any character like haters do to Sakura almost every character would be worse than Sakura.
Prob an ENORMOUS amount of chakra or naruto will lose Kurama and Boruto becomes more powerful because of Jogan
Definetely A
Because you know we are correct
That was srsly a hard choice
It was supposed to be Madara < Kaguya < Isshiki
You missed the mizukage
And thats only 4
Do you have any special rules
Which five kage?
Wow i forgot about that
Say I wanted to contribute, how do I know what to edit?
So he shouldn't have a time limit and they shouldn't be able to know his powers
And i dont think he did he got that WAYYYYY long ago you can't assume he kept it
You never said he didn't
Cool post
And i dont understand how you could say "AT PEAK" when isshiki has a time limit, HOW IS THAT AT PEAK
I dont think he kept that did he...
I understand how itachi is liked but how is madara liked
How would they mark before he makes a portal