92 Votes in Poll
What is this? Where's Waldo?
I like all of them but if I had to choose one it would be Obito
71 Votes in Poll
He managed to keep up with a KCM Naruto, and SURVIVED until Itachi broke the reanimation jutsu
79 Votes in Poll
IDK what Mana is, so i'm going with Chakra
Piccolo stomps
I like Kakashi but DBZ power levels are much higher than Naruto's
88 Votes in Poll
132 Votes in Poll
85 Votes in Poll
I know very little about Zelda (I did play the NES Zelda as well as BOTW and Smash Bros), so I'm gonna say Team 7
91 Votes in Poll
Back when McDonald's actually had cool toys, unlike the crap they have nowadays
Amazing Spider-Man 15 (2022)
It just came out today
I'm gonna say Obito
Haven't watched HXH yet (currently finishing Gintama, and then I will be watching Saiki K)