You sure that's Sasuke bro
Girl dw tusky wusky
Luffy prob wins against that Naruto ngl
Then stop caring sm bout how others wanna spend their time..? It's not your life and it isn't any of your business to stop what others wanna do either, arguing this is pointless in itself.
Yeahh..people debate cause they like to? Regardless of which it has nothing to do w you, why you care sm bout how another man spends his time bro 😭
Anyways I've been off it for prob more than a year now, just debating this guy cause hes been wanting me to reply badly
No one's talking to you bro if you don't like the notifs or wtv simply just unfollow the post 😭
Are you caught up on the manga? And yo just add me on Disc bro it's mezoskii#7249 debate it there not here 😭
Even current post time skip Luffy was struggling to beat a mentally challenged Kizaru who was holding back, he even got outsped by bro 😭 If you wanna debate this or want the scans that back that then just add me on disc I cba debating 2 ppl at once here gets confusing
Also yeah sorry for the lateish reply was in a game
Did you not read anything I said..?
Those photons can still reflect from mirrors which is one of the categories
Yeah and they get contradicted by the fact they do not travel in straight lines, all conditions have to be met as that's what makes up light. Foxys photons are also explicitly stated as "special particles not fully understood by science", meaning they don't behave like the photons scientists study. They also act complete differently than standard light, they slow shi down. This is esp made clear in the manga when we see the clear differentiation between his "noro photons" and Kizarus, they act different so they cannot both be light bro. So in conclusion there's no reason to accept smth that isnt even understood yet by the ppl in OP themselves, is different to light, defies the criteria for light, has a clear differentiation between it and the other acc light that we can confirm IS light in OP and etc.
Also DF's are just manipulation of its concept
Prove that and proves he's manipulating light in that then
look at the logia users who have non-solid concepts, they can bend their shii easily
Cause Logia users are supposed to create and control their element please explain how this backs up Foxy??
Another thing to point out is that he was just using it as a sword (which all the more proved it's light manip) the actual beam that Luffy dodges was always straight, it never bent.
Tell me where you proved its light manip please. And yeah the beam gets contradicted by the sword, and also the several other points I made in this first paragraph.
Air is weightless, you'd have to prove it slows down immediately after it was sent off
BRO WHAT 😭 Air has mass wyob, by that logic air should be able to go SOL by itself then
The evidence you sent implies that shockwaves die out in a while, not right after it was sent out just like what Zoro dodged.
But okay. Not to mention bro you didn't even reply to ANY other part of my 1st point at all, which if i just copy and paste was: "1st thing in the panel you clearly see him state "Air pressure deflected at light speed creating a piercing shockwave" the air pressure gets deflected at light speed which then creates the shockwave which is the attack which then also slows down (3rd point), nowhere does it state the shockwave is light speed. Only the initial air pressure to make the attack is, not the attack itself". Least try to reply to it dawg, only thing you replied to was the 3rd point bit bro and that isn't even 1% of it 😭
As for the aim dodging argument yk what ill give you that, but the rest still applies
For example, when Kizaru blitzed Hawkins, he stated he was going LS with that attack which Hawkins clearly reacted to
Buddy blitz means to attack someone before they can react to you, you cant blitz someone if they "reacted" to it ts makes no sense pick one or the other 😭 Anyways tho onto the acc point even if Hawkins can perceive the attacks he has no speed to dodge it, which is clearly backed up when bro gets blitzed multiple times throughout this arc by him even before powering up along w drake and apoo. Secondly he literally anticipated the attack to go there anyways so pretty clear for him to look there, if you look when Kizaru says have you ever been kicked at the speed of light he raises and extends his leg towards that area, so just precog, and lastly even then in both the manga and anime he only reacted to it right before it kicked his head, noticing it that late means nothing.
Then Kizaru proceeded to FTE blitz a buffed up Hawkins later on which proves Kizaru can train his DF to not just be stronger but faster as well
First time he couldn't dodge it 2nd time he couldn't dodge it. Proves nothing just means he's still slower than him. Even then, in the panel we can clearly see Hawkins with exclamation marks meaning he's realized it, just too slow to move out. Same thing that happened the first time.
Goes in line with this statement of his that i sent earlier
The statement is in referance to him accelerating his flight speed, this doesnt add to attack speed. Flight speed ≠ Combat speed
As for the kanji again sure I'll give you that
we can visibly see a difference in the shape of Kizaru's light as he moves through it, which can not exist if Kizaru is moving at a constant speed. So this proves he can truly accelerate
Yeah I never said he moved at a constant rate, you seemed to have ignored the whole argument I made (the one that you also didnt to reply to btw), which was that he's accelerating from nothing to LS, which we can clearly see backed up the panel before where he's standing still, then stating then he'll accelerate and then zooming off at light speed. I never denied there was no acceleration, so false argument.
And the guy who made that calc you sent didn't even address the fact that those beams are literally Kizaru's beams (those lasers were provided by Kizaru and put into Pacifista's through an unknown method)
It doesn't need to? Quite obv hed use LS for that to get to Rel+
So those are LS clearly, plus they're even stated to be light
Again pacifistas are inconsistent and are constantly shown slower then Kizaru whose been stated to attack at light speed multiple times (images before) and yet a base Luffy was able to dodge pacifistas yet not Kizaru in G2 in Marineford. To the point of acc getting called too slow by him too.
So yeah pacifistas have always been shown to be slower than acc light speed attacks bro. Tbf, going in deeper they've never even been described as light speed, the most that's been said is that Kizarus attack power was added onto it. Hence, the databook you sent of Kizaru providing glint glint powers can easily just be taken as him giving his fruits attack power to it. Nothing ever about speed. So yeah, this and the other point I just made above back each other up
You can go now
I'm not ducking I'm waiting for seeker to reply to finish off that debate first 😭
Is that in reference to his black holes?
@Seekerbro reply to me on the other post, or do you wanna take it to disc?
You can def use Kaguya to get them to solar I saw warlic use it before 😭
Using kaguya maybe solar system, but again like I said that's a lot of work and I'm too lazy for allat 🙏
1) Luffy got blitzed by Kizaru, whose only LS, which we can debate if you want
2) Whitebeard isn't planetary level for 2 reasons:
• The statement is a hyperbole, if you look at the 2nd paragraph of this image you can see a general rule of thumb is that if a claim is made that's out of league of anything shown then it's likely a hyperbole. The best feat we've gotten is prob island busting or sky splitting, nowhere near planet level, hence it's a hyperbole.
• His Vivre card kindaa debunks it too...
(I can also prob just scale the narutoverse higher anyways, but that's a lot of work and I'm too lazy for allat. So just focus on this 🙏)
Aww ffs this is so long man 😭
Alr first point no Foxys photons don't work like that. Here's the criteria for fake light/photon attacks
3rd point "It doesn't travel in straight lines", we see him use his photons to make a noro noro sword which you can see clearly bend and shi, so that's off the list
2nd point you made is oh Kumas pads, 1st thing in the panel you clearly see him state "Air pressure deflected at light speed creating a piercing shockwave" the air pressure gets deflected at light speed which then creates the shockwave which is the attack which then also slows down (3rd point), nowhere does it state the shockwave is light speed. Only the initial air pressure to make the attack is, not the attack itself. 2nd of all, even if we do take it as light speed you can see Kuma has to set his arms back and forward to send off the attacks, it is pretty easy to dodge it before he actually shoots it off by just guessing where the attack will be, this is called aim dodging btw (e.g imagine you playing dodgeball and the opponent can send it at light speed, but before that happens you see him hold his arm back ready to throw, so you decide to try and aim dodge it, but this don't make you LS does it). A lot of people have also dodged bullets by aim dodging, this don't make them bullet speed either. But anyways 3rd of all shockwaves slow down, really quickly too..So say what you want but in any scenario they aren't LS, also considering this all gets contradicted by Kizaru.
Then 3rd point is oh Kizaru can train his fruit to be stronger allowing him to be FTL. No, the translation states "The *abilities* of the Devil Fruit become *stronger* the more you train". So basically, the more you train, the stronger your abilites get. Nothing about speed. But sure let's say we do take it as that, even then doesn't make sense as light cannot go faster than light. He is light therefore he cannot move faster than than light because he is light..Saying he can makes no sense. Regardless, LS Kizaru is backed by NUMEROUS sources. Kizaru himself said his attacks were light speed. In Saboady he said you have ever been kicked at the speed of light. In marineford he states a similar thing im pretty sure, in the databooks states he can spam attacks at the speed of light, in an SBS Oda states Kizaru moved at light speed to give luffy food etc.
Like bro there's sm statements of Kizaru and not one does it say he can go FTL, its always just LS
As for the acceleration thing um..yeah...he's accelerating from nothing to LS..?? You can clearly see bro standing still the panel before that if you look at the manga. If you wanna say he's accelerating to FTL then you gotta prove he was alr going LS on the top panel which is impossible cause he's literally just standing still. And don't get me started on how the Kanji doesn't even say acceleration it says speed and in other sources (like this one) the English translation also states, speed
Then right after this Luffy gets blitzed btw, by a dude whose only LS.
Also acceleration has nothing even to do w this you went on a whole different point completely but I just decided to debunk it anyways. Acceleration is just running speed not combat speed, so me saying him dodging Pacifista beams but not Kizarus beams as an anti feat still applies.
And pulling up pixel scaling ain't good lil bro I can do the same thing too I just HATE pixel scaling as a large majority of times it's inconsistent and isn't right so won't get into it
One piece FTL in general gets debunked so hard by aim dodging and precog through observation tho