39 Votes in Poll
Why does he win
39 Votes in Poll
Naruto low luffy dose t have good obv haki and only g3 and 2 he has g4 but he doesn’t use if he did he would slam
Pt1 cuz Naruto is so dumb
He ate the sand-sand fruit duh
It must be chakra infused sand or something idk
Kick him in the nuts it’s a shot in the dark but
If you have a normal teacher and you are not right next to them you could get away with using byakugan
Konami high diff
Da moon
Obito was lookin fire episode 376🔥🔥🔥
Ye I remember dat
My names is Naruto Uzimaki I will become pokiman master when I collect all dragon balls on the grand line with my accomplice satoru gojo and deku
Mintito would have a hard time but would ultmatly prevail cuz speedy
Finally Obito is good and y'all are dissing on jaryia
Eeh idk bro kakshi mid
Kakshi's rasengan was blue when he used it
34 Votes in Poll
Kakashi vs Obito and kakshi vs pain are my fav fights kuz kakashi
Yeah they should be good to be in another arc