97 Votes in Poll
Here before this gets locked.
I never knew that literal gods and demons participated in Street fights.
How is this still called Street Fighter?
When I heard Street Fighter I didn't imagine this
Of course not who the heck are these guys?
And before anyone asks no prep time
97 Votes in Poll
111 Votes in Poll
Itachi being a chick magnet
I'd be surprised if someone knows the correct answer cuz I don't even know what's that supposed to be.
77 Votes in Poll
Is Tommy in his green suit or the white one
Which Power Rangers?
Also Naruto isn't even dead just in another dimension for the time being.
^Take JJBA for example the main character Jonathan Joestar died in the first season but he was replaced by his grandson. So even if Naruto dies the show can continue.
Your choice man if you wanna watch it then watch it if not then don't
Look it's the President of USA vs an Alien rabbit