I thought he mainly hated madara
I know lol I'm trying to say those four are the only ones that really matter
The only threats are Obito, Itachi, Nagato and Kisame
@A Professional Idiot mk.2 you do realize not only that was a weaker version of Juubidara which was one rinnegan pre god tree absorbed Juubidara but that was also a Juubidara after tanking a NIGHT GUY from eight gates guy
Madara mid diffs
Im voting sakura out of pity
Juubidara slams
Mis-vote Sasuke alone slams
This me and my brothers first storm pvp lol I don't think I watched naruto up to that point
I think he means hokage kakashi not dms kkakashi
True at this point Imma just switch to my boi that thing is a nuke
True but Dygo said their fight in one part not the whole thing "just kind of
disingenuous by Deidara because it's a
flat out lie"
Feats wise yeah Deidara has him beat but like you said he had no issue saying "Sasori is stronger than me." despite this arrogance but then again he put Kakuzu second to last and puts zetsu above him
Ah i think I already gave my take on it
Wait what are ya debating about again
Should i unfollow this
I know but like I said earlier Naruto was given power but he had to train to use it
Yeah cause he was an Uchier he had to endure a lot of suffering to get that power like Ms
(Also you right shippuden = how to make Uchihers op)
Yeah Sasuke had to endure a lot of suffering to get where he is
Yeah Naruto was given power but he had to train alot to use it