74 Votes in Poll
74 Votes in Poll
Pretty sure we already saw this battle
Naruto wins and this isn’t even close
For me it’s Rock lee. He’s one of the characters that had huge potential but the writers screwed him over
It just took inspiration from dragon ball and has similar traits to other anime. (JJK is a good example) same thing as Goku having a similar origin story as superman, and yet he isn’t a copy of him.
@Tim Xman yeah I forgot about that
The only one that I think he killed was that guy that pretended to be itachi during the Kazekage rescuer arc.
I don’t think the six paths of pains count since they was already dead (except for Nagato which he committed suicide)
Vegeta could win if he fights them one by one, but if he gets jumped by the whole verse then the Naruto verse would win, mid diff
The only abilities that they lost is their sealing powers and Naruto’s Instant healing (i forgot what Sasuke’s other six path power was.) we’ve seen in The final battle that they still had some six paths powers. In Boruto it’s debatable.
A black lantern Madara would be a bit OP ngl
I’ll say Sakura since she changed the least
Everybody else was taken
Naruto, mid to high diff
Shin is just a Walmart Uchiha and a itachi fanboy so definitely him
All might, mid - high diff
Naruto got nerfed as hell ever since the last and even kid Naruto would be able to beat him
@Iaqiruza. naruto only pulled the strongest move out of his arsenal because Sasuke used his and there was no other way to counter it. And while Sasuke was using almost all of his jutsus, Naruto didn’t use any of the other tailed beasts power like lava release
Naruto was holding back because for 1, he said that he wasn't trying to kill sasuke while sasuke was trying to kill him
And the only feat sakura pulled on kayuga is punching her while kayuga was weakened, caught off guard, and getting jumped by Naruto, sasuke, and Kakashi. And Kishimoto never said that sakura scales higher then Hagroomo and The first Hokage.
Having sasuke over naruto should be a war crime because sasuke with all of the tailed beast's power and going all out tied to naruto holding back an having only half of kurama and some pieces of the other tailed beast power. Not to mention naruto was more tired then he was and was running on less chakra and still technically beat him.
Can can someone explain to me how sakura scales higher then hagroomo and The 1st Hokage?!?