Rock Lee scales higher than Kaguya but only loses bc of pure hax, same with Sakura
Implying Rock Lee would be able to tag Momoshiki
Why does every Boruto list fail to mention Eida...
Rock Lee without the 8th gate is at least relative to Base Momo
Itachi no diff this granny fodder
Sakura no diff
Gamabunta was losing to Shukaku in P1, and Manda and Gamabunta are relative. If we assume Matatabi is as strong or stronger than Shukaku, Matatabi wins mid diff.
Concession accepted
Imagine calling me useless because you can't debunk any of my claims lmao. And again, idc if you care about my gender. Just don't fucking misgender me again.
Hypothesis. This is all irelevant in this context. Still waiitng for SOMEONE to debunk my SO6P claim. That is IF you can. And don't even try to say Tsunade has equal chakra to 50% SO6P Naruto without evidence.
And you can't quantify how much chakra she had considering she had just healed hundreds of shinobi, but you seem to CONVENIENTLY leave out that fact.
Sakura wasn't at full power genius, she had just exhausted a huge amount of chakra healing hundreds of shinobi, while Tsunade had a full replinishment.
Where'd you get the idea Tsunade has equal chakra to Sakura?
Also STILL WAITING FOR YOU TO DEBUNK my claim about Sakura having equal or more chakra to SO6P Naruto. Oh wait, you can't. Just concede instead of making up new bullshit points
IT WAS ONLY IN REFERENCE TO KAKASHI. Stop taking everything out of context.
Sakura was fighting for days on end. Tsunade just had her chakra replenished. Reread the manga.
She also uses the chakra to maintain a youthful appearance. Reread the manga.
No they aren't. Reread the manga.
You do realize Tsunade isn't a fully blooded Uzumaki... right? Reread the manga.
That could just mean they rival the Uchiha in strength, not chakra. Reread the manga.
Are you illiterate? It only states how the first nine tails Jinchuuriki was from the same place Kushina was. LOOK FUCKING AT THE SCAN, FOR CHRIST SAKE. It literally says "particularly", which means it's only in reference to her. Reread the manga.
Debunked earlier. Reread the manga.
Unquantifiable. Reread the manga.
Show me a scan where she saved everyone from his attack. Reread the manga.
She was only able to fight that long due to her tenacious life force, not her chakra. And show me the scan where it says it's a "5x increase" Reread the manga.
Still waiting for you to debunk that Sakura has more/equal chakra to SO6P Naruto. And I don't think I need to explain why SO6P is far, far above Tsunade. Don't even try justifying it.
I'M the one who lost? All right buddy, just say you have no arguments left and move on, bc you know I debunked your ass arguments LMFAOOO
Tsunade is fodder, Kakashi low diff
WA Lee > Prime SM Jiraiya
You do realize Karin replenished all her chakra right? Pls reread the manga because it's as clear as day you don't know what your talking about.
Nothing in that scan indicates Mito having large chakra reserves ... And genuine question, are you illiterate? It doesn't take an idiot to realize that the scan is in reference to Kushina, who's only talking about the CHAKRA QUALITY. And if you didn't know, Kushina and Tsunade aren't related whatsoever.
Where did she restore her seal in days to participate in the war? Your making things up, also you do realize it took way quicker for Sakura to master the Byakugou then Tsunade... right?
You literally can't quantify the difference mate. Also, Sakura was healing hundreds of Shinobi left and right, let's not be ignorant now.
Tsunade had just had a chakra reserves filled. Sakura had been healing hundreds of Shinobi via Katsuyu. Of course it's not comparable, stop being disingenuous
And you conveniently leave out the fact that Sakura has more chakra than 50% SO6P.. Like what?? What has Tsunade even SHOWN that's comparable to that feat??
Fr, get a grip dude
Amado >>>>>>>> Orochimaru > Zetsu > Itachi > Victor > Deidara