Zetsu low diff
1. Tsunade will never hit Kimimaro with her punch. This is true because her attacks were dodged by Kabuto multiple times. This continued until they were BOTH exhausted. Only after that did Kabuto take the pills. Kabuto and Tsunade's speed is 3.5, Kimimaro's speed is 4.5. This means that not a single blow from Tsunade will hit Kimimaro, just like Kabuto. Base Kimimaro is faster than Tsunade, and CM2 is even faster. This also means that due to the large difference in speed, Kimimaro will prevent her from summoning Katsuyu.
2. Tsunade can only survive Kimimaro's blow if it doesn't hit her brain. If he destroys her brain, there's no way she'll survive.
3. The fact that the databook gives statistics regarding the level that a shinobi has is entirely made up by you. This is not written anywhere in the databook. Yes, Tayuya is physically weaker than Naruto, but that doesn't change the fact that she can hit him hard. To survive her blow, Naruto must have durability, not great physical strength.
1. Kabuto dodged Tsunade without taking pills, I already proved this (scroll a little higher)
2. When you have a huge advantage in speed, hitting Tsunade with a bone between her hits won't be a problem.
3. Despite the fact that Tsunade was not in the best condition, she even had 3.5 in speed in Shippuden
Gato's men
@Lodoba2345 Kimimaro easily defeats Tsunade. Kabuto's speed is enough to dodge all her attacks, but Kimimaro is much faster
Satetsu Kaiho>>
Sasori mid diff
Jiraiya low diff
Naruto no-low diff
Jubito high
Kabuto low diff
In terms of speed and taijutsu, Kimimaro is much better than Kabuto. Kabuto was fast enough to easily dodge Tsunade's attacks.
She was exhausted. Kimimaro will quickly defeat Tsunade in close combat
Hiruzen high
Kabuto, having much less skill in Taijutsu and speed, could dominate the battle with Tsunade
Kimimaro low diff
Choji high
Sengoku low diff