Manga Delta.
She juicy AF
TSB have a range limit. Once outside that range, they wont come back.
Naruto left them all over the place including other dimensions and Sasuke blew up his last ones.
Idk why you are trying to argue this. Its been like 5 years since this stuff was shown. All you have to do is watch the 2nd Valley of the End fight and literally see that Naruto lost 6 of the 9 TSB by that point.
Watch them last however many episodes that covers SPSM's introduction to the final fight.
If the anime is an accurate adaptation, Naruto will lose them in the same places at the same time. And you can clearly see he only has 3 within like, 2 minutes of the fight starting when he first uses SPSM
No they didnt. Re-read those last 30 or so chapters
That is like like saying Naruto shouldnt have had a problem molding chakra against Neji because Neji was no longer poking him.
Yes he did. Every since they started fighting Madara he would some, starting with the few he left in a Limbo clone.
His last 3 were destroyed when he fought Sasuke at the Valley of the End.
It disrupts the victims ability to mold and use chakra. So yea, it basically makes it weaker.
They disrupt the chakra network
Adult Naruto doesnt have TSB because teen Naruto lost them...
That is essentially the premise of the gauntlet Boruto used. IIRC its not the best option because the jutsu are hard to control
You must have missed the part where i said "he didnt want to be like Itachi"
He wanted to kill Itachi. Not follow his orders. Not follow in his footsteps. Killing Itachi was his reason for living. It was his fuel. His motivation, not his duty or obligation to his brother.
He didnt follow his orders because he loved him. He did it because it was his best chance to kill him. Up until he didnt want to be like Itachi and kill his own friend.
Besides, what was he gonna do? Not fight and die. C'mon now.
No. He didnt hate Itachi because Itachi ordered him to. And the manga proves that.
Sasuke hated Itachi because he murdered his entire clan...
But not for the reasons you proposed.
Long story short, there is no way to measure density and size doesnt determine strength.
He wasnt though. The Uchiha coup was an inevitability.
Who was?
As far as the public knew, Itachi killed his clan because he was a psychopath and as such, disgraced the Uchiha name.
I was drawing comparisons between the situations.
Because some people would "well the impact kill him, not the push" even though common sense says the person who was pushed would have lived if they werent pushed.
Just like with Sasuke and Itachi. Itachi wouldnt have died had Sasuke not fought with him and burned up whatever health he had left.
Or perhaps a better comparison would be someone not giving a sick person their medication. Technically the illness killed them but the actions of the person withholding medication was the one who set the events in motion. The illness killed Itachi when it did BEACUSE of Sasuke and his actions.
To say Sasuke didnt kill Itachi greatly undermines the context of the situation.
I was being sarcastic. Yes if you push someone off a cliff, you killed them. Because otherwise they wouldnt have died