
"A Killer on the Ship" (殺人鬼の船, Satsujinki no Fune) is episode 238 of the Boruto: Naruto Next Generations anime.


Without any Funato following them, the group believes they'll make it to Kirigakure without issue. Iwabee expresses distrust of the New Seven Ninja Swordsmen, Kyohō in particular, over the blind rage he went through at the Funato fortress. Boruto points out how calm he is now, and adds that Buntan helped them in tough spots, so he'll trust Kagura's judgement. Taiki stresses he wants to be well compensated for having to sacrifice his boat, wishing for enough money to build a new one. That night, Taiki is murdered while everyone sleeps, and Kagura discovers the body in the morning. Iwabee raises the possibility there's a Funato among the refugees on the ship. Mitsuki determines the murder weapon was very heavy, and Kawaki asks about Kyohō's whereabouts. They find Kyohō cleaning blood off Kabutowari, and he claims he slept through the night. Kawaki points out he had no memory of going on a rampage in the fortress, and Iwabee believes that's what happened again. Kyohō and Iwabee become hostile to each other, but Hebiichigo separates them with wires, and assures Kyohō was in deep sleep because of his rampage at the fortress. Iwabee questions if she's not Kyohō's accomplice. Boruto talks Iwabee down, pointing out how distressed Kyohō is, and Buntan talks Hebiichigo down, reasoning that she shouldn't provoke Iwabee is she wants him to stand down. They decide to keep quiet about Taiki's murder, and wonder about the culprit. Hebiichigo suggests they already escaped the ship, but Denki says that with the thick fog, even the Funato wouldn't risk it without a ship, which they would have heard. They decide to investigate the ship for a hidden culprit, while Iwabee and Boruto keep an eye on Kyohō, Boruto feeling guilty that Taiki got involved despite being a bystander. Everyone else splits in teams of two. Word of Taiki's murder spreads through the refugees, who become concerned by the presence of the swordsmen on the ship. Metal Lee asks Hebiichigo if she believes in Kyohō's innocence. She doesn't want to be guilty by association and lose her sentence reduction. She also believes him because they did time together. Metal is convinced, his trusting nature confusing Hebiichigo. Boruto thinks Iwabee doesn't really believe Kyohō is guilty, and recalls that Iwabee's grandfather died fighting Kirigakure. Iwabee is surprised Boruto remembers it. Boruto thinks they should trust Kyohō and the swordsmen because Kagura trusts them. The shinobi find no sign of a hidden culprit, but Denki brings one of the refugees, who wishes to speak with them. They go to Boruto, Iwabee, and Kyohō, telling them a refugee came forward with damning testimony, and they ask for Kyohō to unmask himself. The refugee claims he saw Kyohō on his way to the captains quarters when he went to the bathroom. They want to see if Kyohō has the same face marks as the Funato. Kyohō is very anxious about unmasking. Even his team-mates have never seen Kyohō unmasked. The refugees recall Kyohō of being surrounded by the Funato, causing him to run in fear, which they take as proof of Kyohō's guilt. Kawaki tells Boruto it's a drastic measure they have to take. Kyohō ambushes Iwabee, but is saved by Kawaki, who prepares to execute Kyohō. Kawaki tells the refugees he dealt with Kyohō, and the shinobi deal with Kyohō's body. As the night rolls in, so does thick fog again. One of the refugees checks on Kyohō's body, puking a lot of water, which reforms into Kobanza, who stole Kabutowari while Kyohō was sleeping. He intends to take control of Kyohō's body. Kyohō reveals himself to be alive, catching the Funato in Kawaki's trap. Kawaki thought that news of Taiki's murder spread too quickly, and the fake testimony sealed the deal, as the bathroom and captain quarters are in opposite directions. Kobanza turns into water again, which Mitsuki compares to Suigetsu. He and Boruto attack with Lightning Release kunai, forcing him to escape through cracks on the wall. He tries to take out the engine, but Hebiichigo holds him in place with Nuibari, its wires capable of binding chakra itself, so the Funato clansmen can't escape even with a liquid body. Boruto, Kagura, and Buntan catch up, Buntan ready to make him talk. The clansmen forces himself free of the wires, and goes into the engine, killing himself to damage it. Kyohō protects Hebiichigo from the explosion. The next day, the refugees feel bad about distrusting Kyohō. Metal wonders why Kyohō wears a mask, and he explains that long ago, his village was burned by the Funato, so he wears a mask to hide the scars, the sight of blood taking him back to that moment. Iwabee apologises for suspecting Kyohō, who in turn apologises for taking so long to explain himself. Mitsuki takes an interest on Kawaki. Denki confirms the ship's engine is badly damaged.


Boruto UzumakiYuko Sanpei三瓶 由布子Sanpei Yūko
Sarada UchihaKokoro Kikuchi菊池 こころKikuchi Kokoro
MitsukiRyuichi Kijima木島 隆一Kijima Ryūichi
KawakiYuma Uchida内田 雄馬Uchida Yūma
Denki KaminarimonChihiro Ikki一木 千洋Ikki Chihiro
Iwabee YuinoShinya Hamazoe浜添 伸也Hamazoe Shin'ya
Metal LeeRyo Nishitani西谷 亮Nishitani Ryō
Kagura KaratachiKeisuke Komoto河本 啓佑Kōmoto Keisuke
Buntan KurosukiMariya Ise伊瀬 茉莉也Ise Mariya
HebiichigoNao Toyama東山 奈央Tōyama Nao
Kyohō FuefukiYasuhiro Mamiya間宮 康弘Mamiya Yasuhiro
Captain TaikiKiyoyuki Yanada梁田 清之Yanada Kiyoyuki
KobanzaKosuke Takaguchi高口 公介Takaguchi Kōsuke
Dotō Island peopleKosuke Katayama
Katsunori Okai
Sara Matsumoto
Kumi Takaragi
片山 公輔
岡井 カツノリ
松本 沙羅
宝木 久美
Katayama Kōsuke
Okai Katsunori
Matsumoto Sara
Takaragi Kumi