
"A Limitless Supply of Ninja Tools" (地下水 無尽蔵の忍具, Chikasui Mujinzō no Ningu) is episode 189 of the original Naruto anime.


Naruto and Yurinojō do battle with Ruiga, and with Chōji's help, are able to defeat him by destroying his "dowsing" tonfas, which allows him to search for places where there are great amounts of water, and leading him to a dry area to put him at a disadvantage. Ruiga survives the battle, but the second brother, Jiga, kills him for a greater share of the country's wealth. Meanwhile, after Haruna's reasons for distrust were revealed to be the result of her father allowing her to be kept hostage as a child, Haruna knocks Hinata unconscious and escapes, leaving the others to die. Naruto pursues the princess, but encounters Jiga, who can manipulate magnetism.


RoleSeiyūEnglish Voice Actor
Naruto UzumakiJunko Takeuchi竹内 順子Takeuchi JunkoMaile Flanagan
Chōji AkimichiKentaro Ito伊藤 健太郎Itō KentarōRobbie Rist
Hinata HyūgaNana Mizuki水樹 奈々Mizuki NanaStephanie Sheh
Haruna princessYumi Fukamizu深水 由美Fukamizu YumiJulia Fletcher
YurinojōToru Furusawa古澤 徹Furusawa TōruPeter Doyle
JigaTadahisa Saizen西前 忠久Saizen TadahisaJB Blanc
RuigaKatsuhiko Kawamoto川本 克彦Kawamoto KatsuhikoBrian Dunkleman