
This technique grants the user the ability to lower or raise the ground in the surrounding area, allowing them to create giant holes or elevations in the ground. The size of the affected area as well as the depths that it is lowered or raised to is also up to the user. With precise timing, this technique can be used to evade incoming attacks, as well as to endanger opponents by moving them into the path of an oncoming attack reducing their reaction time as well as knocking them off balance, making it even harder to avoid the attack. Other than being moved below or above ground — relative to the surrounding surface — the terrain is not altered as plant life and people retain their same positions when this technique is used.[2][3]


  • Despite the name being read as chidōkaku (ちどうかく), Ittan can be heard saying chidōgaku in episode 262.


  1. Fourth Databook, page 323
  2. Naruto chapter 517, pages 12-16
  3. Naruto chapter 518, pages 3-4