Forums: Index Narutopedia Discussion Itachi Uchiha/original article needs deletion....
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All the missing information from Itachi Uchiha/original has been moved to Itachi Uchiha, so if anyone with the proper ranking could delete the Itachi Uchiha/original article, and just leave the Itachi Uchiha article, would be great.

If anyone knows the sources and refrences for the information from the Itachi Uchiha/original article, then please add it in, I'm personally not well enogh versed in the entire universe to be able to find them. Tales-of-a-fan 16:50, 5 October 2007 (UTC)

Actually, what I do is not a delete but a history merge. I'll merge the history of Itachi Uchiha/original into Itachi Uchiha and remove the redirect now. ~NOTASTAFF Daniel Friesen (DanTMan, Nadir Seen Fire) (talk) current discussion Oct 6, 2007 @ 02:41 (UTC)