This article is about the episode. For the manga chapter, see The Four-Tails: King of the Sage Monkeys.

"Four-Tails, the King of Sage Monkeys" (四尾・仙猿の王, Yonbi: Sen'en no Ō) is episode 326 of the Naruto: Shippūden anime.


At the Mountains' Graveyard, Sasuke quickly kills White Zetsu with his new technique, while removing the bandages around his eyes to reveal his Eternal Mangekyō Sharingan. Elsewhere, Suigetsu and Jūgo discuss Sasuke and Karin while en route to a hideout of Orochimaru. Meanwhile, on the battlefield, Kakashi and Guy battle against the reincarnated jinchūriki. Just as the Five-Tails is about to attack, Tobi releases a chakra chain and subdues the tailed beast. Kakashi speculates that he has to output a lot of chakra to keep them under his control and that when fully transformed, he almost has no control over them. Naruto suddenly hears a voice speaking out for help and the Eight-Tails recognises it as the voice of the Five-Tails. The Eight-Tails also telepathically speaks to the Nine-Tails, who shows irritation for humans because they only see the Tailed Beasts as pets they can bend to their will. The fox thinks back to all its previous encounters with Madara, Hashirama, Mito and Kushina. Suddenly Tobi forces Rōshi and Utakata to fully transform, cutting Naruto and B from Kakashi and Guy, ending with the Four-Tails swallowing up Naruto. In an alternate dimension located inside the tailed beast, Naruto meets the beast, who quickly becomes irritated by the former for calling him the Four-Tails and not giving him the respect of using its real name; Son Gokū. After brief discussion about the humans treatment of the tailed beast, upon which Naruto learned the Nine-Tails' name was Kurama, Son comes to realise that Naruto was different than most humans and truly wanted to help it and its kind. Son tells Naruto he could start by removing the chakra chains that bind it, to which Naruto eagerly accepts.


  • In this episode, there are a few errors/changes:
    • In the manga, when Sasuke kills White Zetsu, his Susanoo Sword is made of Amaterasu. In the anime, it is made of the same ethereal substance Susanoo is made of.
    • In the manga, when Sasuke emerges from the Mountains' Graveyard, his Sharingan is activated. In the anime, his Sharingan is not activated.


RoleSeiyūEnglish Voice Actor
Naruto UzumakiJunko Takeuchi竹内 順子Takeuchi JunkoMaile Flanagan
KuramaTessho Genda玄田 哲章Genda TesshōPaul St. Peter
Killer BHisao Egawa江川 央生Egawa HisaoCatero Colbert
Eight-TailsMasaki Aizawa相沢 まさきAizawa MasakiMatthew Mercer
Son GokūHiroki Yasumoto安元 洋貴Yasumoto HirokiJohn Eric Bentley
Five-TailsMie Sonozaki園崎 未恵Sonozaki MieMary Elizabeth McGlynn
Kakashi HatakeKazuhiko Inoue井上 和彦Inoue KazuhikoDave Wittenberg
Might GuyMasashi Ebara江原 正士Ebara MasashiSkip Stellrecht
First Hokage: Hashirama SenjuTakayuki Sugo菅生 隆之Sugō TakayukiPeter Lurie
Kushina UzumakiEmi Shinohara篠原 恵美Shinohara EmiLaura Bailey
Mito Uzumaki (mature)Noriko Miyashita宮下 典子Miyashita NorikoMary Elizabeth McGlynn
Madara UchihaNaoya Uchida内田 直哉Uchida NaoyaNeil Kaplan
ZetsuNobuo Tobita飛田 展男Tobita NobuoTravis Willingham
Sasuke UchihaNoriaki Sugiyama杉山 紀彰Sugiyama NoriakiYuri Lowenthal
SuigetsuTakashi Kondo近藤 隆Kondō TakashiGrant George
JūgoShuhei Sakaguchi阪口 周平Sakaguchi ShūheiTravis Willingham