
A powerful barrier formation noted to only be usable by those of Kage calibre, whereby four shinobi, standing in a square formation, erect a large barrier that is red in colour. It was stated to be several times stronger than the Four Violet Flames Battle Encampment, and is highly malleable. When assaulted by a Tailed Beast Ball from the Ten-Tails, the barrier simply distorted its shape, forcing the brunt of the attack upwards while it was left completely intact.[1] Its users can create openings within the barrier to allow passage.[2]

The barrier is apparently very chakra-taxing since at least two of its users are limited in the useage of other techniques, such as clone techniques, while maintaining the barrier at the same time.[3]

See Also


  1. Naruto chapter 632, pages 7-8
  2. Naruto chapter 632, page 11
  3. Naruto chapter 637, page 4