
One of the collaboration techniques unique to the Ino–Shika–Chō, known to the trio's members as "Formation E". To perform this technique, Chōji firstly increases his size, while Shikamaru connects their two shadows together. At the same time, Ino detects any enemies in the immediate vicinity and transmits this information directly to Shikamaru. As Chōji begins to attack with the Human Bullet Tank technique, Ino continues to track their opponents so that Shikamaru can perfectly direct Chōji's movement by manipulating his own shadow. How this formation functions and its overall appearance is somewhat akin to a person using a yo-yo.


  • In the telepathic dimension of Ino and Shikamaru, this technique shown as a silhouette of Shikamaru controls a huge yo-yo which is connected with his finger and uses it to smash his enemies.
