
Neji, Hinata and Hanabi use Eight Trigrams Vacuum Palm to distance themselves from the opponent, after which Hiashi arrives and uses Eight Trigrams Vacuum Wall Palm. Afterwards, the four Hyūga use a cooperative Eight Trigrams Sixty-Four Palms, during which Hinata and Hanabi deliver close-ranged Gentle Fist strikes and Hiashi and Neji use Eight Trigrams Palms Revolving Heaven. Lastly, the four use a cooperative Eight Trigrams Vacuum Palm at a close range, sending their opponent flying. And declared that the Hyuga is the strongest clan in the leaf.


  • Hanabi, Hinata, Neji: Eight Trigrams Air Palm!
  • Hiashi: It ain't over til it's over.
  • Hanabi, Hinata: Father!
  • Neji: Lord Hiashi!
  • (After Landing the final blow)
    • Hiashi, Hanabi, Hinata, Neji: The Hyuga is the most powerful clan in the Leaf!