"Impure World Reincarnation: Release!" (穢土転生・解, Edo Tensei: Kai) is episode 340 of the Naruto: Shippūden anime.
All across the battlefields, the reincarnated shinobi are being released from the Impure World Reincarnation respectively — which leads Tobi to note Kabuto's failure. Naruto and Killer B take the ascending souls of the previous jinchūriki as a sign of Itachi's success. Meanwhile, the Kage wonder what was happening, to which Ōnoki notes that that without a doubt, someone has stopped the Impure World Reincarnation technique and whomever that did so, is a hero to the shinobi world. Elsewhere, Dan uses his Spirit Transformation Technique to take control of his then-ascending soul in order to fly to Tsunade's location. Speaking to Tsunade within her subconscious, Dan gives her the remainder of his chakra before fading away, thus restoring her Strength of a Hundred Seal. As Tsunade returns to the real world, she and the other Kage wonder why Madara's soul still remains intact — to which the latter reveals that he is capable of rescinding the summoning contract from the summoner. With that, Madara advises the Kage to tell the caster not to use kinjutsu so carelessly. Back at Kabuto's cave, Sasuke is found by his team-mates Suigetsu and Jūgo. Naruto continues to mock Tobi and still persists in tearing off his mask, despite Kakashi telling him not to. Angered by Naruto's mockery, Tobi then brings forth the Benihisago and Kohaku no Jōhei, preparing to move forward with his plan.
- When Kakuzu's soul begins to ascend, his sclerae are white instead of red.
- When Madara releases the Impure World Reincarnation technique, his right eye is depicted as having his Sharingan activated.
- After he rescinds the Impure World Reincarnation contract, Madara's appearance is depicted without the cracks on his face standard for reincarnated beings, therefore looking "alive".
- When Sasuke questioned what are shinobi, he envisioned Shikamaru, Chōji, Ino, and Kiba in their Part II appearances, despite never seeing them since leaving Konoha in Part I.