
The Land of Bamboo (竹の国, Take no Kuni) is a small country which has friendly relations with the Land of Fire. Unlike most other counties, it is ruled by a king instead of a daimyō. The king sent his daughter, princess Kae Yukiwari, as an exchange student to Konohagakure's Academy, while he investigated a domestic assassination plot against her.[1]

With intel and evidence gathered by Batora Kuromori along with the assassin's identity, the king's authorities discovered the minister as the mastermind behind the plot and had him arrested. Soon after, the minister's allies attempted to have Kae kidnapped and use her as bargaining chip for his release only for the plot to fail as they were also arrested by the Konoha-nin. After the incident, Kae had to return to her home country to take her father's place temporarily when the king became ill.[2][3]


  1. Boruto episode 261
  2. Boruto episode 269
  3. Boruto episode 273