
The user expels a large glob of lava from their mouth, which quickly solidifies into a hollow ball that can be used to protect an object by surrounding it with the durable rubber-like material. The properties of this substance mean that it can both absorb and dissipate the force behind a blow when struck, resulting in it either deforming or bouncing upon impact.

A skilled user of this technique, such as Dodai, is capable of making it appear as if they were intending to protect an object or individual within the sphere, when in fact they merely use the ball as a distraction in order to occupy an enemy, while instead covertly withdrawing the item in question from the ball during its formation.[2]

Karyū's rubber balls, dubbed "Lava Release: Rubber Spheres" (熔遁・護謨鞠, Yōton: Gomumari), are darker in colour and far more solid. Used offensively for ranged attacks, Karyū's spheres can vary in size, from being hand held to rivalling the size of a house. As projectiles, he can control them remotely and they continuously gain momentum when bouncing off surfaces.[3] The damage each sphere can deal is proportionate to the amount of chakra put into the orbs.[4]


  1. Fourth Databook, page 327
  2. Naruto chapter 555, pages 5-6
  3. Sasuke Shinden: Book of Sunrise, Chapter 1
  4. Sasuke Shinden: Book of Sunrise