
The Memorial Stone is a monument in Konohagakure that lists all of their ninja that were killed in action. In the manga it is shaped like a standard slab of stone, while in the anime it looks more like a kunai-shaped structure.

It is located near the Third Training Ground, where Team Hiruzen and Team 7 were known to have undertaken their first bell test. When Naruto remarked that he wanted to have his name added to the monument, Kakashi informed him of what it was for, prompting Naruto to change his mind.[1] Kakashi spends much of his free time at the monument because his former team-mate, Obito Uchiha's, name is engraved there. Hayate Gekkō and Iruka Umino's father's and mother's names are also listed.[2]


  • In Naruto Shippūden 3: Inheritors of the Will of Fire, the Memorial Stone was depicted in a similar fashion to its manga form.
  • In Naruto: Path of the Ninja, Mujini Anano and Nigiri Umeboshi's names are carved on the tablet as well.
  • Obito is the only person to be alive while having his name engraved on the Memorial Stone, this is due to how his teammates had assumed he was dead and did not bother recovering his body.


  1. Naruto chapter 8, pages 9-10
  2. Naruto chapter 139, pages 4, 8