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ミカヅキ Mikazuki

  • Niboshi (煮干し)[1]
Anime Boruto Episode #104
Appears in Anime
Voice Actors
Species Cat

Mikazuki (ミカヅキ) is a stray kitten that became the wandering pet of Mitsuki.


Mikazuki is a very affectionate and active kitten. At the same time, he is rather arrogant and smug, which Mitsuki himself noted. Mikazuki does not hesitate to climb into the owner's bed, even if he is against it, and demands to play with him at any time. He is also freedom-loving and can leave whenever he wants, also returning unexpectedly. Mikazuki has a sense of bad people, which was seen when he defaced wooden pieces in the yard of Daizen Matsushige's shop, and then lunged at him and scratched his chest, ripping off his scar's disguise, which allowed his crimes to be revealed. He is quite fond of niboshi fish, which Hibiki named him after.


Mikazuki is a black and white kitten with blue-greenish eyes. It has a yellow collar around its neck. He later receives a red collar with a bell from Samidare Amaashi.

New Era[]

The Little Roommate

Mitsuki names Mikazuki.

Mitsuki first passed him and his mother. While fleeing from the police through an alleyway, Nezumi Kaitō fed him stolen jewellery to hide evidence. Team 7 found the kitten, and Mitsuki brought him home, after being told how to take care of him. Mitsuki attempted to prohibit him from sleeping on his bed, but eventually relented. His team-mates advised him to name the kitten and against feeding him human food. Mitsuki bought what needed at a pet store, and named the kitten Mikazuki.

Team 7 and Nezumi

Nezumi tries to kill Mikazuki.

Released from prison, Nezumi tracked Mikazuki down, who got sick, and stole him from Mitsuki to cut him open and recover the jewellery. He was stopped by Team 7 and arrested by the police. Mitsuki took him to the vet, who successfully operated on Mikazuki. Mitsuki took him for a walk, but he left with his mother. At night, Mikazuki returned, Mitsuki deciding to allow him to come and go as he pleases.[2]

Mikazuki new bell

Samidare gives Mikazuki a new collar with a bell.

Some time later, when Mitsuki was walking in the rain, Mikazuki come out to meet him and took to a wounded man in an alley. Mitsuki gave him first aid. Samidare later gifted him a collar with a bell. He told Mitsuki about his sister, who had the same name as the kitten. They met Samidare again the next day on a bridge. Mitsuki realised he was a notorious killer and stopped him. Mikazuki approached Samidare and licked his hand. Samidare remained comatose in the hospital, and Mitsuki visited him, placing the collar he had gifted Mikazuki on his wrist.[3]

Mitsuki and Hibiki

Mikazuki reunites with Mitsuki.

While Mitsuki was on a mission in Kirigakure, Mikazuki left and was wounded somewhere. He was picked up by Hibiki, taken to the vet, and after treatment she looked after the kitten, giving it a new name. During one of the evening walks, Mitsuki met Hibiki playing the flute, and along with her, Mikazuki. He told her that this was his cat and called him, Mikazuki responded and climbed onto his arms. Hibari told how she found the kitten and revealed that he was her only friend. Mitsuki, citing long missions, asked her to look after Mikazuki. He left, leaving the kitten to her. Some time later, when Hibiki and her brother attacked former shinobi and Mitsuki wounded her in pursuit, Mikazuki was present when Kodama bandaged her sister's wound.

Mikazuki scratches Daizen

Mikazuki scratches at Daizen's chest, ripping off his disguise.

The next day, Mikazuki visited Daizen Matsushige's shop and after observing him for a bit, headed to the backyard where he scratched the wall of the flower bed. Daizen, who was taking out the garbage, noticed the cat and threw a stone at him, after which Mikazuki ran away. He came back to Hibari and Mitsuki's meeting, where the latter exposed the girl as an attacker on the former shinobi, and asked if she wanted to be free like Mikazuki. Hibiki thanked him and left. That same night, when Hibiki and Kodama almost revealed Daizen Matsushige's true identity, Mikazuki helped them by jumping on Daizen's chest and scratching it, ripping off the disguise of the scar that was the main evidence of his crime. Daizen was arrested and Hibiki and Kodama were evicted from Konoha. Mikazuki came to see them off, where Hibari fed him niboshi and Mitsuki called him to go home.


  • "Mikazuki" (三日月) means "crescent moon", meaning that it and Mitsuki both have names associated with the moon.


  1. Boruto episode 259
  2. Boruto episode 104
  3. Boruto episode 155