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ナン Nan
Anime Naruto Episode #214
Appears in Anime
Voice Actors
Sex Gender Male Male
  • Part I: 171 cm1.71 m <br />5.61 ft <br />67.323 in <br />
  • Village Leader

Nan (ナン) is the leader of a small village in the Land of Sound.


Nan came to be the leader of a small village in the Land of Sound. Due to Orochimaru taking the country over, his village was demilitarised and eventually attacked by bandits who wanted access to a nearby gold mine. He attempted to defend his village but to no avail. The bandits ended up retreating due to a storm.


Nan cares deeply for his village and its inhabitants. Due to an attack on his village from bandits, he believed that all shinobi were bad. He was one to cater to revenge, wanting to kill Menma, fully aware that Menma couldn't remember his crimes. His feelings toward shinobi begin to subside when Naruto's team helps defend against the Shiin Clan, and he later regrets not being able to thank Menma for protecting his village.


He has dark eyes and brown hair that he keeps under a bandanna with the exception of two bangs in the front. He wears a simple sleeveless shirt, a pair of pants and sandals.


Nan is capable of using a crossbow in combat. He also has some skill with medicine, having received moderate medical training in the past.

Part I[]

Menma Memory Search Mission[]

Main article: Menma Memory Search Mission When Naruto, Tenten, Neji and Menma arrive in his village, he and a few other villagers believing them to be part of a group of bandits that had been terrorising their village. After the shinobi prove who they are, he tells them that if they had no business there, then they should hurry and leave. After his sister, Ran request that they get rid of the shinobi that were tormenting them and their village, he tells her not to bother with such things as there was no such thing as a good shinobi and after showing them the sea of graves told them to leave the village.

However, Naruto and Menma were set on helping the village in any way possible and while they worked to create a defensive front for the village, he confronted them once again, telling them that he told them to leave. They refused, however. After Shiin is caught spying on the village and Menma, he offered to look at the wound Menma had sustained during the encounter. Upon seeing a tattoo on Menma's arm that marked him as a member of the same clan that had terrorised them. After Neji explains that Menma had lost his memory, and when it returned, they would hand him over to them in exchange for peace, he treats Menma's wounds. After Menma sacrifices his own life to save the village, he expresses his regret of not being able to apologise for misjudging him.
