
"Sai and Shin" (サイとシン, Sai to Shin) is episode 263 of the Naruto: Shippūden anime.


Upon seeing his old puppet body, Sasori mused that he no longer required it as he had an immortal body that he had always desired now. As the battle between the two divisions got under-way, Shin was sent in to battle Kankurō's Sasori puppet. Omoi also joined the fray having been informed by Hoheto Hyūga that Shin's stomach was full of explosive clay and that Lightning Release was able to counter it. Omoi's attack missed, however, and Deidara detonated Shin. The explosion was stifled by Kankurō's puppet, Sanshōuo, which encased Shin. Enraged by Deidara's reference to his brother as a bomb, Sai created a replica of the Benevolent Kings who knocked Deidara and Sasori out of the air and into Kankurō's awaiting puppets.

As Deidara tried to blow himself up, Omoi channelled his lightning-imbued sword into the mouth on his chest before Deidara was immobilised by the Sasori puppet's coil of wire. Shin saw the drawing of both him and Sai holding hands which freed his soul. Kankurō's speech to Sasori moves him despite Deidara's warning not to listen to them. Entrusting Kankurō with his Mother and Father puppets, Sasori asked Kankurō to pass them down to the generations to come, to which Kankurō agreed. Seeing Shin's and Sasori's bodies crumbling into ash and the bodies beneath them, the Surprise Attack Division realise that sacrifices were needed for the technique. Elsewhere Kabuto Yakushi told Tobi to head out the battlefield while he focused on the Summoning: Impure World Reincarnation. Tobi deduced that Kabuto was using him and the Allied Shinobi Forces to take each other out, but promised he was the one using Kabuto.


  • In the English dubbed version of this episode, during Shin's fight against Sai as well as during the flashbacks, he calls the latter by his current codename, even though Sai was never given said codename prior to Shin's death, thus Shin shouldn't have known this.


RoleSeiyūEnglish Voice Actor
KankurōYasuyuki Kase加瀬 康之Kase YasuyukiDoug Erholtz
OmoiKunihiro Kawamoto河本 邦弘Kawamoto KunihiroOgie Banks
SaiSatoshi Hino日野 聡Hino SatoshiBenjamin Diskin
Sakura HarunoChie Nakamura中村 千絵Nakamura ChieKate Higgins
ChiyoIkuko Tani谷 育子Tani IkukoBarbara Goodson
DanzōHiroshi Ito糸 博Ito HiroshiWilliam Knight
IttanTakuji Kato加藤 拓二Katō TakujiD.C. Douglas
TangoTaira Kikumoto菊本 平Kikumoto TairaSpike Spencer
HohetoRyuichi Kijima木島 隆一Kijima RyūichiOrion Acaba
ZajiKengo Kawanishi河西 健吾Kawanishi KengoDerek Stephen Prince
KiriShinobu Matsumoto松本 忍Matsumoto ShinobuJB Blanc
Madara UchihaNaoya Uchida内田 直哉Uchida NaoyaNeil Kaplan
Kabuto YakushiNobutoshi Kanna神奈 延年Kanna NobutoshiHenry Dittman
SasoriTakahiro Sakurai櫻井 孝宏Sakurai TakahiroJohnny Yong Bosch
DeidaraKatsuhiko Kawamoto川本 克彦Kawamoto KatsuhikoRoger Craig Smith
Chūkichi of the MistMinoru Hirota広田 みのるHirota MinoruKyle Hebert
ShinTakashi Kondo近藤 隆Kondō TakashiWally Wingert