

Is it really necessary to have Sasuke Uchiha in the techniques name? Couldn't it simply just be called "Rinnegan Space–Time Portal/Technique" or something? --Sarada Uzumaki (talk) 02:45, August 23, 2015 (UTC)

It's necessary because of this: Shin Uchiha's Space–Time Dōjutsu. But, your idea is plausible as well (but I think we may have to apply the same consistency to Shin's jutsu as well...). WindStar7125 Divine Mangekyō Sharingan VolteMetalic 02:48, August 23, 2015 (UTC)
Yeah, like I said when creating the technique, I was mainly going off of Shin's technique's article as inspiration since the two situations are so similar. If we want to change the name or any of the content, that's fine. The entire point of this was just to get this moving anyways...
Oh, and thanks to Omnibender for cleaning it up for me; I'm not very good at creating pages! --KirinNOTKarin98 (talk) 03:16, August 23, 2015 (UTC)
@Windstar That technique's name always puzzled me. I'd understand for them to have Dojutsu in the name if we weren't sure which Doujutsu the technique uses, but this techniques uses the Rinnegan and Shin's technique uses the Sharingan. So you'd think some mention of that would be in the name. Im open for a more fitting name for the 2 techniques. --Sarada Uzumaki (talk) 03:20, August 23, 2015 (UTC)
Bringing up an old topic; not sure what your guys' stance on video game names is, but this technique technically has a name now. "Time Space Hop" from Shiobi Striker.--LastationLover5000 (talk) 00:27, 14 December 2021 (UTC)
A bit more complicated than that. I'm all for using game names when there are no manga/anime ones, but there other aspects to this specifically. Looking at DLC page which features this, the term that got translated as "Time Space Hop" is "Space–Time Migration" (時空間移動, Jikūkan Idō), which is the same descriptive term used for Kamui before it had a proper name. This is also the same term used by Victor for what the Kara gates do. It's less of a name and more of a description of what it does. Kinda like when folks used to think that Rasa's name was "Satoosa" because that's what appeared in a card with his picture, despite that actually meaning "village head". Basically, many teleportation jutsu can be described as Jikūkan Idō, and all it would take is for another spacetime ninjutsu to be described as that to create confusion. Omnibender - Talk - Contributions 01:12, 14 December 2021 (UTC)
Honestly, fair enough. Here I thought we finally had a name for it - even a bloody weird one - but it looks like they mistranslated a general term. Thanks for clearing that up.--LastationLover5000 (talk) 01:25, 14 December 2021 (UTC)
I wouldn't go as far as saying it's a mistranslation. I'd say they deliberately chose a simple, descriptive name precisely because there's no proper canon name for those portals. However, I do find it strange they chose to feature this jutsu, which Sasuke only displayed as an adult in Boruto's era, to the teenager Sasuke on his final battle with Naruto. His only STN at the time was Amenotejikara. Omnibender - Talk - Contributions 01:38, 14 December 2021 (UTC)


Does this really need its own page? Isn't it essentially an off-shoot of Amenotejikara? Isn't Sasuke just syncing his Rinnegan to a certain point like Obito did with Kamui? --Jizo 悟 (talk) 17:34, August 26, 2015 (UTC)

A user made quite a deal about it here. WindStar7125 Divine Mangekyō Sharingan VolteMetalic 18:09, August 26, 2015 (UTC)

"Sasuke was also limited by how many people he could allow to enter the portal, such that he was only able to bring the five Kage and Boruto Uzumaki with him on a rescue mission to save Naruto. "

Is this correct? Cause I remember in the film that two additional guys sneaked into the portal and everyone was safely teleported to the final stage.

VayaQueSi (talk) 03:08, November 15, 2015 (UTC)