
I turned down the sound and BGM and cranked up the Voice in the sound options and one of the three voicelines for the jutsu when he plants the shuriken is "Uchiha-Ryu Shurikenjutsu: Oboroguruma", should that be put in as a note or the full name? The official Japanese page for the game hasn't updated yet for the Shisui DLC as I put this in as of my last check about one minute ago so the full name may be on that when they finally update it since they still only have Neji up as the most current DLC.--Kyuu19 (talk) 23:41, November 22, 2020 (UTC)

That's also how this technique was named in the last V Jump[1]. Fissionintroduce (talk) 18:21, 23 November 2020 (UTC)