
Telegraph Soul (デンシンタマシイ, Denshin Tamashī) performed by Game Jikkyosha Wakuwaku Band, is the fourth ending of Boruto: Naruto Next Generations anime. It replaced I Keep Running, and ran from episode 40 up until episode 51 before being replaced by Beauties of Nature.




Mukashi yori mo se ga nobitemo
Sukoshi ashi ga hayaku nattemo
Jū nen go mo hyaku nen go mo
Ima to nani ga dō kawaru no?

Sō yatte bokura wa toki wo koete
Itsu doko kara otona ni naru no darō
Tōshindai bokura no susumu saki ni uzumaku meiro
Acchi ga ī kocchi ga ī
Sorezore no kiseki

Dekkai mon wa nokosazu hoshī
Tsukamun da saidai gendo
Chissai mon sura kakiatsumetai
Yokubari de itain da yo

Dekkai mondai butsukaru toki
Toriae yo kono te wo
Zettai yūjō make wa shinai
Tomo ni yukō fainaru raundo

Sō tōku wa nai mai fyūchā
Sōtō sōkai hai tenshon
Sōzō buttonjau yō na
Saizensen no yume wo


昔よりも 背が伸びても

そうやって僕らは 時を越えて
いつどこから 大人になるのだろう
等身大僕らの 進む先に うずまく迷路
あっちがいい こっちがいい

つかむんだ 最大限度

取り合えよ この手を

そう遠くはない My future
相当 爽快 High tension
最前線の 夢を


In the past we could stretch our backs
Even if our feet have become a bit faster
10 years ago too 100 years ago too
What will now change how?

This way we passed our time
From when on will we become adults?
The continuing beyond for the life-sized us is a swirling labyrinth
It's nice there it's nice here
Our tracks

I want to leave the big thing behind
Grasping it at the maximum limit
I want to gather up all the small things
The greet hurts

The time we bumped into a great problem
We took eachothers hands
Always staying friends not losing to it
Let's go together FINAL ROUND

Yes it's not far away My future
Worth a feneral meeting High tension
Like pressing the imagination button completely
We stand at the front line of our dream

Rōmaji (Full version)[]

Mukashi yori mo se ga nobitemo
Sukoshi ashi ga hayaku nattemo
Jū nen go mo hyaku nen go mo
Ima to nani ga dō kawaru no?

Sō yatte bokura wa toki wo koete
Itsu doko kara otona ni naru no darō
Tōshindai bokura no susumu saki ni uzumaku meiro
Acchi ga ī kocchi ga ī
Sorezore no kiseki

Dekkai mon wa nokosazu hoshī
Tsukamun da saidai gendo
Chissai mon sura kakiatsumetai
Yokubari de itain da yo
Sō tōku wa nai mai fyūchā
Sōtō sōkai hai tenshon
Kōtō ja wakannai yō na
Sō kaishin denshin tamashī

Sukoshi tokubetsu de itakute
Maketaku nakute senobi shite
Yoyū da yo to chōshi ni notte
Daiji na toko de seidai ni koronde

Sōiu toki bokura wa shirazu shirazu
Kata kumi sasaeatte yatte kita darō
Tanjun na bokura ga hitotsu ni nari tsunagaru kairo
Yappari ī tottemo ī
Togisumase ishiki

Dekkai mondai butsukaru toki
Toriae yo kono te wo
Zettai yūjō make wa shinai
Tomo ni yukō fainaru raundo

Daitai itsudemo donmai dei
Mantan made wa ittenai
Kono mama kyūdai ten de nē jūbun na no kai?

Kaetai kimochi de gubbai dei
Maimai jojo ni notte yuku
Konoha ni mi wo makasete sora e

Sō yatte bokura wa toki wo koete
Itsu doko kara otona ni naru no darō
Tōshindai bokura no susumu saki ni uzumaku meiro
Acchi ga ī kocchi ga ī
Sorezore no kiseki

Dekkai mon wa nokosazu hoshī
Tsukamun da saidai gendo
Chissai mon sura kakiatsumetai
Yokubari de itain da yo

Dekkai mondai butsukaru toki
Toriae yo kono te wo
Zettai yūjō make wa shinai
Tomo ni yukō fainaru raundo

Sō tōku wa nai mai fyūchā
Sōtō sōkai hai tenshon
Kōtō ja wakannai yō na
Sō kaishin denshin tamashī

Sō tōku wa nai mai fyūchā
Sōtō sōkai hai tenshon
Sōzō buttonjau yō na
Saizensen no yume wo

Kanji (Full version)[]

昔よりも 背が伸びても

そうやって僕らは 時を越えて
いつどこから 大人になるのだろう
等身大僕らの 進む先に うずまく迷路
あっちがいい こっちがいい

つかむんだ 最大限度
そう遠くはない My future
相当 爽快 High tension
そう 会心 デンシンタマシイ

負けたくなくて 背伸びして
大事なとこで 盛大に転んで

そういうとき僕らは 知らず知らず
肩組み 支え合ってやってきただろう
単純な僕らが ひとつになり 繋がる回路
やっぱりいい とってもいい

取り合えよ この手を

このまま及第点で ねぇ充分なのかい?


そうやって僕らは 時を越えて
いつどこから 大人になるのだろう
等身大僕らの 進む先に うずまく迷路
あっちがいい こっちがいい

つかむんだ 最大限度

取り合えよ この手を

そう遠くはない My future
相当 爽快 High tension
そう 会心 デンシンタマシイ

そう遠くはない My future
相当 爽快 High tension
最前線の 夢を

English (Full version)[]

In the past
we could stretch our backs
Even if our feet have become a bit faster
10 years ago too 100 years ago too
What will now change how?

This way we passed our time
From when on will we become adults?
The continuing beyond for the life-sized us is a swirling labyrinth
It's nice there it's nice here
Our tracks

I want to leave the big thing behind
Grasping it at the maximum limit
I want to gather up all the small things
The greet hurts
Yes it's not far away My future
Worth a feneral meeting High tension
Like not knowing what you say
Yes satisfaction telegraph soul

I want to be a bit special
Not wanting to lose but stretching myself
It's a surplus and keep up the mood
Falling over your important place

At that time we didn't have it didn't have it
A pair of shoulders that would support us
The simple we become one as a connected circuit
After all it's nice Really nice
Sharpen the sense

The time we bumped into a great problem
We took eachothers hands
Always staying friends not losing to it
Let's go together FINAL ROUND

After all it's always a don't mind day
I didn't say the tank is full yet
At this rate isn't a passing mark not enough?

Feelings of going home goodbye day
Eatch time gradually getting on it
Entrust your mind to the foliage as they go towards the sky

This way we passed our time
From when on will we become adults?
The continuing beyond for the life-sized us is a swirling labyrinth
It's nice there it's nice here
Our tracks

I want to leave the big thing behind
Grasping it at the maximum limit
I want to gather up all the small things
The greet hurts

The time we bumped into a great problem
We took eachothers hands
Always staying friends not losing to it
Let's go together FINAL ROUND

Yes it's not far away My future
Worth a feneral meeting High tension
Like not knowing what you say
Yes satisfaction telegraph soul

Yes it's not far away My future
Worth a feneral meeting: High tension
Like pressing the imagination button completely
We stand at the front line of our dream


The characters in order of appearance:
