
"The Broken Seal" (解放された封印, Kaihō Sareta Fūin) is episode 16 of the original Naruto anime.


Haku realises he can't keep being soft towards Naruto and Sasuke, aiming for more vital spots instead of slicing their skin, although Naruto takes the full brunt of it. Refusing to accept an obvious defeat but running low on chakra, Naruto ends up fainting. Sasuke holds his own against Haku, protecting Naruto's unconscious body by activating his Sharingan, allowing him to track Haku's incredibly fast movements. Amazed at Sasuke also having a Kekkei Genkai that awakened itself in battle, Haku realises he would have the disadvantage in a drawn out fight, as any attacks would just be deflected. Instead he targets a vulnerable Naruto with a volley of senbon, making Sasuke instinctively move to shield his teammate.

Elsewhere, Kakashi has taken a hit from Zabuza's blade at a last second attempt to save Sakura and Tazuna. Laughing, Zabuza goes on about almost losing the bridge builder as Kakashi was too worried about his students up ahead. Naruto wakes up to see Sasuke standing in front of him, struck and barely holding onto life. Shocked, Naruto catches him as he collapses and goes completely still. Believing his friend has died, Naruto’s enraged and subconsciously taps into the chakra of the Nine-Tailed Fox within him. Kakashi and Zabuza sense the change, making Kakashi wonder if the seal was broken. Haku stares in disbelief as the fox’s power heals Naruto's wounds and changes his body.



RoleSeiyūEnglish Voice Actor
Naruto UzumakiJunko Takeuchi竹内 順子Takeuchi JunkoMaile Flanagan
Sasuke UchihaNoriaki Sugiyama杉山 紀彰Sugiyama NoriakiYuri Lowenthal
Sakura HarunoChie Nakamura中村 千絵Nakamura ChieKate Higgins
Kakashi HatakeKazuhiko Inoue井上 和彦Inoue KazuhikoDave Wittenberg
Zabuza MomochiUnsho Ishizuka石塚 運昇Ishizuka UnshōSteve Blum
HakuMayumi Asano浅野 まゆみAsano MayumiSusan Dalian