"The Jinchūriki of the Village of Konoha" (木ノ葉の里の人柱力, Konoha no Sato no Jinchūriki) is chapter 567 of the original Naruto manga.
At the Mountains' Graveyard, Sasuke breaks out of the hideout while elsewhere, having escaped the samurai, Jūgo and Suigetsu discuss Sasuke and Karin, as well as Suigetsu's goal to collect swords as they head to one of Orochimaru's hideouts. On the battlefield, Naruto warns Guy and Kakashi about Tobi's abilities. As the Five-Tails attacks, Guy frees Naruto from the coral before seeing the beast turn on Tobi who chains and suppresses the Five-Tails, who is dismayed at being controlled in that manner. The Eight-Tails tries crushing Tobi, but he simply slips through it. Tobi returns Han back to his Version 2 form. Guy and Kakashi speculate that Tobi doesn't have full control over the tailed beasts. The Eight and Nine-Tails speak to each other telepathically about the treatment of the tailed beasts and the Nine-Tails says that as the second strongest beast, going by tails, the Eight-Tails should just finish the battle already, and feigns sleep. The Eight-Tails snaps back, saying that this belief about their powers being defined by the number of tails is exactly why Shukaku hated the Nine-Tails so much. Guy and Kakashi charge at the jinchūriki, intending to figure out which of the Six Paths of Pain techniques each one used, only to conclude that Tobi isn't making them use Six Paths techniques because they already have strategies against those. Tobi praises them for figuring that out, and proceeds to make Rōshi and Utakata transform completely into their respective beasts. Naruto falls out of Nine-Tails Chakra Mode, and considers creating more shadow clones with the Nine-Tails' chakra as diversions. B thinks that creating more clones would surely kill him, but the Eight-Tails points out that Naruto should already be on the brink of death, and thinks that the Nine-Tails has stopped taking Naruto's chakra for a while. The Six-Tails attacks Kakashi and Guy, who dodge. The Four-Tails tosses the Eight-Tails, and Naruto almost falls into its mouth, but resists being eaten by the Four-Tails, now back in Nine-Tails Chakra Mode, as the Nine-Tails opens one eye watching on.
- The jinchūriki teaming up as well as the outfits they each are wearing on the chapter's cover art, is featured in Killer B's dream within the Infinite Tsukuyomi in the anime. Their outfits have also appeared as DLC in some video games.