
"The Unleashed Villain" (放たれた悪党, Hanatareta Akutō) is episode 234 of the Boruto: Naruto Next Generations anime.


Sanzui has to be stopped from going into the burning airship to look for Awaji. Chōjūrō and other Kiri shinobi put out the fire. Team 7 tends to Katasuke's injuries. At the prison, Kagura tells medical-nin to go to the crash site. Communications to, from, and inside the prison are interrupted. Isari and Funato clansmen break in and immobilise the guards. Kagura is notified of the intruders, and Boruto offers to help, believing it to be connected to the terrorist attack. Jibiki directs water through the prison. Inmates become agitated on account of the explosion. Kagura and Boruto find guards in a Water Prison Technique. Kagura cuts them free, and they inform him the Funato are responsible. Jibiki reports to Isari he found Araumi. Boruto and Kagura analyse the situation. Katasuke asks about Boruto. Chōjūrō receives reports of unidentified bodies in the crashed airship, and orders a lock-down. Misuno asks Chōjūrō to return to his office, where he can ask for reinforcements. Isari arrives at his father Araumi's cell, defeating the guards posted there, and breaks his glass containment. Araumi recovers by absorbing moisture from one of the guards, killing him. Boruto and Kagura intercept them, and fight Isari. Boruto attacks Isari's living weapon with a Rasengan. Kagura protects them with a water mirror. Isari breaks through it with a water wave and leaves. He notices his weapon has taken a liking to Boruto's chakra. The Funato leave with Araumi. Islands throughout the Land of Water begin falling under Funato control. Boruto reunites with Team 7 and informs them the airship crash was a diversion. Chōjūrō receives a report explaining the same. He also learns that a governor's body was found drowned, who had been in contact with the Funato, and speculate that he spread rumours of the terrorist attack. The situation is further destabilised by the destruction of a base in the eastern sea by unidentified weapons. While Misuno and Kagura update each other, Boruto is concerned about Team 5, whose mission is one an island of the eastern sea. Chōjūrō can't spare the extra manpower, but allows Kagura to go help Team 7. He explains the situation, and hands him Hiramekarei. Team 7 procures a still functioning boat. Kagura arrives, having recruited Buntan, Kyohō, and Hebiichigo for the mission, who were also allowed to use their swords again, much to Team 7's surprise. They complain to Kagura, but he counters they were allowed to move around under his supervision. They depart to Dotō Island, Kawaki complaining about being on a boat again.


Boruto UzumakiYuko Sanpei三瓶 由布子Sanpei Yūko
Sarada UchihaKokoro Kikuchi菊池 こころKikuchi Kokoro
MitsukiRyuichi Kijima木島 隆一Kijima Ryūichi
KawakiYuma Uchida内田 雄馬Uchida Yūma
Kagura KaratachiKeisuke Komoto河本 啓佑Kōmoto Keisuke
Buntan KurosukiMariya Ise伊瀬 茉莉也Ise Mariya
HebiichigoNao Toyama東山 奈央Tōyama Nao
Kyohō FuefukiYasuhiro Mamiya間宮 康弘Mamiya Yasuhiro
ChōjūrōKoki Miyata宮田 幸季Miyata Kōki
TankanAya Gomazuru胡麻鶴 彩Gomazuru Aya
Katasuke TōnoTaira Kikumoto菊本 平Kikumoto Taira
Captain TaikiKiyoyuki Yanada梁田 清之Yanada Kiyoyuki
Sanzui UnabaraGentoku弦徳Gentoku
Araumi FunatoShigeru Chiba千葉 繁Chiba Shigeru
Isari FunatoYoshihisa Kawahara川原 慶久Kawahara Yoshihisa
JibikiToshinari Fukamachi深町 寿成Fukamachi Toshinari
Land of Water peopleShinya Hamazoe
Ryo Nishitani
Hirokazu Sekido
Kosuke Katayama
Katsunori Okai
Kazuya Saji
Yuki Onodera
Tadashi Makino
Itsuki Kurita
Shitan En
Juri Nagatsuma
Natsumi Yamada
Kumi Takaragi
Aoi Inase
浜添 伸也
西谷 亮
関戸 博一
片山 公輔
岡井 カツノリ
佐治 和也
小野寺 悠貴
槙野 旦
栗田 樹
閻 子丹
長妻 樹里
山田 奈都美
宝木 久美
いなせ あおい
Hamazoe Shin'ya
Nishitani Ryō
Sekido Hirokazu
Katayama Kōsuke
Okai Katsunori
Saji Kazuya
Onodera Yūki
Makino Tadashi
Kurita Itsuki
En Shitan
Nagatsuma Juri
Yamada Natsumi
Takaragi Kumi
Inase Aoi