
This is the puppet created by Sasori from the body of Sunagakure's Third Kazekage. After being converted into human puppet, Sasori installed several weapons into his body. The efforts that Sasori went through to get the puppet made it his favourite. In the end, Sakura Haruno destroyed the puppet and in the anime, when Chiyo tried to use the head to attack Sasori, he simply incinerated it.

All of the weapons installed in the Third Kazekage puppet, including his Iron Sand, were soaked in Sasori's special brand of poison, which could kill the victim after three days of painful paralysis.



  • Both the puppet Hiruko and the Third Kazekage were stated to be Sasori's favourite.
  • The Third Kazekage puppet was sealed in a scroll with the Japanese word for "three" (, san) on it.
