Tsuchigumo Village
Tsuchigumo Village
Village Data
Leader Tsuchigumo Chief
Symbol Tsuchigumo Symbol

The Tsuchigumo village is the village of the Tsuchigumo clan. It is led by the Tsuchigumo chief. This village is composed of the members of the Tsuchigumo clan who refused to follow En no Gyōja to Mount Katsuragi, and consequently denied the Tsuchigumo clan kinjutsu. They were made into pawns by the Magaki Group, who sought the kinjutsu.

Part II[]

Six-Tails Unleashed[]

When Team Yamato brought Hotaru back to the Tsuchigumo village, the people of the village weren't pleased to see her again. The chief approached them seemingly happy to see Hotaru's return to the village. As Team Yamato left, he takes Hotaru to a room to rest, only to lock her in there with the Magaki Group who was after the Tsuchigumo clan kinjutsu. After Hotaru escaped the ninja bandits and they followed her, Naruto returned to the village and asked the chief what happened. He told Naruto that the village had yet to begin their search for Hotaru, so Naruto and his team went to search for her.

They later appeared as a mind-controlled horde, used by the Magaki group against Sakura, Sai, Yamato, Naruto and Utakata. After the Magaki group's defeat, the Tsuchigumo village was freed from their control and the chief stated that he and the villagers would accept Hotaru with the kinjutsu gone.

See Also[]
