Volume 2 | |||
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Volume Info | |||
Previous | Volume 1 | ||
Volume | 2 | ||
Pages | 216 | ||
Release Date | |||
Japanese | June 02, 2023 (ISBN 978-4-08-883585-3) | ||
English | October 08, 2024 (ISBN 978-1-9747-4909-6) | ||
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This is volume 2 of the Konoha Shinden manga.
Chapter 7
- "A Clash of Rivals!?" (ライバル激突!?, Raibaru Gekitotsu!?)
Mirai relaxes in the hot spring of a ryokan with Tenten. Because Mirai mistakenly believed her twenty day mission would only last two days, Tenten has brought her additional supplies. Mirai thanks her for going out of her way, but Tenten assures her that it wasn't an inconvenience since she was about to go on a hot spring vacation anyway. What's more, this has given her an opportunity to test a new kunai design that doesn't rust, perfect for use while bathing. Mirai doesn't see why that would be needed, so Tenten contemplates asking Guy and Kakashi about naked women armed with weapons. Mirai asks her not to, worried that Guy and Kakashi would become embarrassed.
Tenten is delighted by this response as it means that Mirai understands Guy. They discuss him, with Mirai remarking how brave he is, but Tenten shares her suspicion that his bravery is an act: that Guy is secretly more scared than anyone else, but acts brave so that others won't be frightened. Mirai considers this while she gets dressed and concludes that, even if true, Guy is nevertheless an amazing person. Tenten agrees, but muses that even Guy would be helpless against ghosts. They find Guy by himself, waiting for Kakashi. When asked why he isn't waiting in his room, Guy offers several excuses, leading Tenten to suggest that he doesn't want to be alone, as the ryokan is rumoured to be haunted. Guy denies this.
Kakashi returns from a phone call with the Seventh Hokage. Mirai asks what the reason for the call was, and if perhaps the Seventh had a message for her, but Kakashi states only that they discussed other matters. With Kakashi now available, Guy challenges Kakashi to a game of ping pong, claiming it's his only reason for visiting this ryokan at all. As Kakashi and Guy head to the game room, Mirai tries to follow, but she's stopped by Tenten, who confides she has a fun idea.
Chapter 8
- "Ghosts!!" (幽霊!!, Yūrei!!)
Tenten concocts an idea of trying to scare Guy by dressing up as a ghost, and asks Mirai to keep him busy while she gets ready. Mirai watches Guy's ping pong game against Kakashi, doubtful that Guy could be tricked like that. Mirai reflects about when she visited her father's grave after she passed the Chūnin Exams. She asked Shikamaru if he thought ghosts were real, her own sense being that they weren't, otherwise her father would conceivably have visited her at some point during her life. Shikamaru could give her no compelling opinions on the topic, but did give her the chakra blades that her father once wielded, believing she'd now earned them. She thanked him and vowed to make him proud.
Mirai's reminiscence is interrupted by Guy, who asks who had the higher score. Mirai reports she wasn't paying attention, frustrating Guy. Kakashi reports he won by one point, so Guy decides to call the game a draw. Kakashi and Guy leave to use the hot spring, at which point Mirai is approached by Tenten. Despite Tenten being in her full ghost costume, Mirai has no reaction; she assures Tenten it was only because she already knew it was her. Tenten does indeed have better results against Guy when he leaves the hot spring, who is so frightened by her appearance that he knocks his head against the wall in an attempt to get away, falling unconscious. Kakashi reprimands Tenten for not being a better role model to Mirai as he takes Guy back to their room.
Mirai observes that Kakashi wasn't frightened like Guy was, causing Tenten to regret not committing to the prank more, such as by applying mysterious charms to the walls of Kakashi and Guy's room. Mirai apologises since she already removed those charms when they arrived at the inn, just in case they were exploding tags. Tenten is horrified, as the charms must have been placed by the inn's staff to ward off ghosts. Tenten worries about what will happen during the night, but nothing transpires and the next day she leaves Mirai and the others. Guy, meanwhile, is frantic, still horrified by what he saw the night before. Mirai informs him it was only Tenten, but Guy rejects this, as the bloodied man in armour he saw walking through walls couldn't possibly have been her.
Mirai is horrified to hear this, as is the inn's staff when she tells them she removed their protective charms. Kakashi reports he slept soundly and leads the way to their next destination.
Chapter 9
- "The Strongest Ally!?" (最強の助つ人!?, Saikyō no Jotsu Hito!?)
When Mirai and the others arrive at their next destination, they notice a problem: where the hotspring is supposed to be, there is instead a giant boulder. One of the villagers informs them that there was a landslide the month before and that the boulder has been blocking the hotspring ever since. The village requested help from the Land of Hot Water, but the village's small size and remote location mean that the Land of Hot Water could only send a couple of ninja from Yugakure. The Yu-nin complain that it's unrealistic to expect them to accomplish anything, as the boulder is too large. They suggest that someone from Konoha would be better suited for dealing with the rock, but grumble that Konoha would never send anyone to perform such a menial task. Mirai, because she's supposed to be undercover, is unable to refute this.
The Yu-nin's resignation to getting anything done reminds Mirai of when she would train Shikadai. No matter how hard she tried, she could never get Shikadai to take his training seriously. The only thing that would motivate him was his father, Shikamaru, whose mere presence would motivate Shikadai to follow Mirai's instructions. Mirai reflects on this as she and Kakashi inspect the boulder; Guy, meanwhile, gets drunk with the Yu-nin. Kakashi notes that even if they could destroy the boulder, doing so would likely cause additional damage to the village. He reports that there's one person who can help, who conveniently happens to be in the area. Kakashi has already contacted them and expects them to arrive the next day. Mirai briefly considers that the ninja in question could be Sasuke Uchiha, and so is disappointed when it is only Chōji Akimichi.
The Yu-nin are enthusiastic about Chōji's arrival, but Mirai has doubts, as she's never gotten the impression that Chōji is especially strong. When she alludes to how difficult removing the boulder will be, Chōji doesn't seem greatly concerned, instead busying himself eating the potato chips he's brought with him. His mood changes when he finishes the last bag of potato chips, as he believes he will be just short of the calories he needs in order to help. Realising that Chōji must use calories to power his jutsu, Mirai resolves to make a fresh batch of potato chips for him.
Chapter 10
- "Words of Inspiration" (背中を押す言葉, Senaka o osu kotoba)
Despite having no meaningful experience with cooking, Mirai prepares a batch of potato chips. She afterwards presents them to Chōji, who compliments her for their quality as he eats them. This gives him enough energy to now lend assistance: he approaches the large rock blocking the hotspring, uses Super Multi-Size Technique, and begins to push. Mirai joins in, insistent on helping in whatever way she can, even if that help amounts to very little. Her words inspire Guy, Kakashi, and the Yugakure ninja to push as well. With their combined effort, as well as a boost from Chōji's Butterfly Mode, they succeed in moving the rock out of the way, allowing the hotspring to flow once more.
Mirai sees Chōji off as he departs from the village. She thanks him for his help, regretful that, even with her ninja training, she was not able to make much of a difference. Chōji disagrees, pointing out the motivational effect her words had on everyone. He notes that she reminds him of her father, who gave him the same kind of encouragement when he was younger; Mirai smiles from the comparison.
That night, Mirai relaxes in the now-restored hotspring, where she is joined by Tatsumi, a traveller around her age. As they become acquainted, Tatsumi tells Mirai that her mother died recently, and she's now visiting various hotsprings in her mother's memory; Mirai confides that her father died before she was born. Tatsumi shares a rumour that there's a hotspring in the nearby mountains where visitors can meet the dead and invites Mirai to come with her. Mirai is doubtful that such a thing is even possible, so Tatsumi mentions the dead being revived during the Fourth Shinobi World War. Having heard about that before, Mirai is tempted to join her if it means she can meet her father.
Chapter 11
- "The Resurrection Hot Springs!!" (蘇り温泉!!, Yomigaeri Onsen!!)
Mirai initially declines Tatsumi's invitation to meet with the dead, but later changes her mind upon reflecting about all the comparisons people have made between her and her father. They head out in the night, as that's supposedly the only time the dead can appear. Mirai rationalises this trip by insisting to herself that they'll return by morning, before Kakashi and Guy even realise she's gone. She also feels that Tatsumi needs her: the journey into the mountains begins to tire her and she asks if they can replenish their water bottles at a nearby hot-spring. On tasting the water, Mirai finds it unpleasant, but Tatsumi remarks that its metallic content is supposed to have restorative properties.
They arrive at their destination, a deep cave behind a waterfall. A ritual is already underway, with several young girls waiting nearby. Mirai becomes suspicious, but Tatsumi happily greets the leader, Ryūki, who she says can give special powers to the local hot-spring. Ryūki is friendly toward them both and offers Mirai a drink to officially induct her into their group. Mirai pours out the drink, assuming it's drugged. Ryūki ceases to be friendly and has Mirai restrained. He reprimands Tatsumi for bringing somebody so perceptive, but insists the ritual will continue regardless. To his surprise, Mirai quickly fights off his followers and asks for more information about the ritual.
Chapter 12
- "Taking Up the Mantle!!" (意志を継ぐ者!!, Ishi o tsugu mono!!)
Mirai removes her civilian clothing and dons her forehead protector. This allows Ryūki to identify her as a shinobi, prompting him to berate Tatsumi for bringing her. Mirai demands to know his reasons for kidnapping so many young women, to which Ryūki responds that he is trying to save the world by achieving immortality. Tatsumi is upset to hear that Ryūki's offer to help her meet her dead mother was a lie, but Ryūki insists that that part can still be true: she can see her mother after he's killed her. Mirai saves Tatsumi, though is injured in the process.
Mirai recognises the name of the deity that Ryūki worships: Jashin. She recalls when she secretly read about her father's killer, Hidan, a follower of Jashin who could not die. She and Ryūki discuss Hidan, with Ryūki insisting that Hidan was a hero to the world, saving those he killed from the tyranny of peace. Mirai scoffs at the concept and vows to stop him. Ryūki instructs his followers to attack Mirai. She quickly defeats them all with Flying Swallow, her father's jutsu taught to her by Shikamaru.
Chapter 13
- "The Jashin Curse!!" (ジャシン教の呪い!!, Jashinkyō no Noroi!!)
Ryūki threatens to kill the sacrifices in order to stop Mirai from arresting him. As she contemplates what to do, they are interrupted by the arrival of Kakashi and Guy, who quickly defeat all of Ryūki's followers and release the sacrifices. Mirai is confused about how they were able to find her, so Kakashi explains that he had one of his ninken track her. Mirai approaches Ryūki, inadvertently entering the Jashin symbol he's prepared. By consuming some of the blood he acquired when he injured Mirai earlier, Ryūki is able to initiate Curse Technique: Body Controlling Manipulated Blood. Kakashi shouts a warning to her, but it is seemingly too late, as Mirai is apparently killed.
Mirai then reveals it was a mere genjutsu, and that what Ryūki thought was her blood was instead some of the iron-rich hot-spring water that she gathered with Tatsumi; she knew from her research into Hidan that Jashin's curses require blood to work. Ryūki tries attacking Mirai, but he's unable to land a blow against her. Desperate, Ryūki captures Tatsumi and consumes some of her blood, thus initiating Body Controlling Manipulated Blood again. With it, he forces Tatsumi to fight Mirai.
Chapter 14
- "The Value of Peace" (平和な世界の価値, Heiwana Sekai no Kachi)
Mirai defends herself from Tatsumi's attacks, but is unwilling to do more out for fear of harming Tatsumi. Kakashi and Guy observe that they could free Tatsumi from Ryūki's Body Controlling Manipulated Blood by destroying the doll he holds, but are prevented from doing so themselves by the arrival of more Jashin worshipers. While contemplating what to do, Mirai recalls when she learned how to use Wind Release from Temari. She combines those lessons with her Chakra Blades to perform the Wind Release: Whirlwind Fist: she creates a gust of wind to harmlessly repel Tatsumi and then strikes Ryūki directly, destroying his doll in the process.
Ryūki struggles to get up, determined to achieve immortality despite his defeat. Mirai questions why he wants to emulate Hidan so badly, to which Ryūki responds by bemoaning the peaceful era they now live in and how inferior they've been rendered relative to their predecessors. Mirai realises that this is similar to her own feelings, as she's frequently wondered what purpose a shinobi can serve in a world without conflict. As Ryūki makes one last attempt to kill Tatsumi, Mirai finds some consolation by striking him down in order to protect her.
Chapter 15
- "Mirai's King" (ミライの玉, Mirai no Gyoku)
Ryūki and his followers are detained until ninja from Yugakure can arrive to take them into custody. Mirai asks how Kakashi could have had the foresight to contact Yugakure before they'd even met Ryūki, prompting Kakashi to reveal that uncovering the Jashin cult has been their true objective the whole time; it's also why Kiba, Tenten, and Chōji have all been in the Land of Hot Water. Mirai is hurt that she wasn't told about any of this, but realises it was for the best when Kakashi points out that she would have done a poor job of staying undercover, as the mission required.
When Tatsumi regains consciousness, she attempts to apologise for lying to Mirai and putting her in danger. Mirai interrupts her by thanking her, as it was Tatsumi's water bottle that saved her from Ryūki's Body Controlling Manipulated Blood. Furthermore, this experience has showed her what purpose all of her shinobi-training can serve: protecting her friends. Tatsumi also resolves to use this experience for the better, by looking to the future instead of dwelling on her mother's death.
A few days later, at an inn in the Land of Fire, en route back to Konoha, Kakashi speaks on the phone with Naruto. After Naruto tells him about the successful resolution of his own mission, Kakashi reports that Mirai has done well. He acknowledges that Naruto was right to be concerned about her, but that fundamentally she is in a good place. After the phone call ends, Kakashi also speaks about Mirai with Guy. Both regret that she had to encounter Ryūki, manipulated by his lies of meeting the dead, but Kakashi confides that even he might have been tempted if Ryūki had told him that Guy's injured leg could be healed. Guy assures him not to worry about his leg, as he still has his life and Kakashi's friendship.
Mirai interrupts Kakashi and Guy, chastising them for taking so long that they now won't be able to return to Konoha by the end of the day. Kakashi begins to apologise, prompting Mirai to muse that it was a good things she anticipated this and extended their reservation at the inn ahead of time, thus prolonging their mission/vacation by an extra day. Once they do finally get back to Konoha, Mirai starts receiving compliments about the successful capture of Ryūki. When people attribute her performance to being the daughter of Asuma, rather than be irked by the comparison like she used to, she instead happily agrees.